Qu'avez-vous pensé du mois de septembre 2022 réfléchira au travail bien fait? – Sujet de discussion


Switch Fire Emblem Engage
Image: Nintendo

Eh bien, that was one heck of a Nintendo Direct, n'était-ce pas? While it perhaps wasn’t the massive Zelda blowout we were all expecting, Nintendo had no shortage of first-party reveals and exclusives, amidst some big Indies and multiplatform releases.

Commençons par le plus gros, then — Breath of the Wild 2 sheds its number for a brand-new name: The Legend of Zelda: Les larmes du royaume. That box art? *chef’s kiss* We got a few short snippets of gameplay from next year’s release, alongside an actual release date — 12th May 2023. it looks incredible, and it’s going to be well worth the wait.

Autre part, Fire Emblem is getting a brand new mainline entry as soon as January 2023 avec Emblème de feu s'engager, ce qui était actually leaked earlier this year Et Pikmin 4 est vivant. Oui, really. It’s out next year, and we can’t wait to see more of it.

In terms of other games, RPG lovers just keep on winning. A couple of Nintendo favourites — Usine de runes 3 et Contes de symphonie — will be getting remastered for the Switch next year, and HD-2D fans will take to the road with Voyageur Octopathe 2. Square Enix itself could’ve had a huge blowout with the number of titles it showed off, à partir de À la récolte, Mission avant, Noyau de crise, et Ligne de mesure finale du rythme théâtral.

Phew, we’re not even scratching the surface of this huge Direct. It Takes Two and Ib are coming to the console, and October’s headliners Bayonetta 3 et Mario + Lapins Crétins Étincelles d'Espoir got new trailers. There’s too much!

But you don’t want to hear from us — let us know whether you loved this Direct, or loathed it, by voting in our poll below. Oh, and don’t forget to drop us a comment too and share your excitement (or whatever feelings you’re… feeling).

Maintenant, don’t mind us, but we’re going to have a big olnap!

Pikmin4 Announcement Trailer Nintendo Switch0 18 Screenshot
Image: Nintendo
