À quoi s'attendre lorsque vous démarrez votre Xbox de nouvelle génération le premier jour
Avec le lancement de Xbox Series X et Xbox série S just around the corner, we figured that now would be the perfect time to give our fans an in-depth look at what they can expect when they boot up their next-gen Xbox consoles on November 10. Xbox Series X is our fastest, most powerful console ever et Xbox Series S is our smallest console ever, packed full of next-gen performance, with both consoles supporting next-gen features like Livraison intelligente, Quick Resume, Entrée de latence dynamique (IDD), et beaucoup plus.
During the video, you’ll get a closer look at how we’ve made it faster than ever to get into your games, how games on the next generation of Xbox look better and play better than ever before, and how the Xbox app keeps you connected to your console and friends, even when you’re not home. From the new dashboard experience and our new Xbox Wireless Controller à next-gen game optimizations et storage solutions, this video will give you a look at everything you can expect from Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.
Bientôt disponible sur Xbox Game Pass pour Android, Console, et PC: Céleste, Fandango sinistre, PUBG et plus
Cette semaine sur Xbox: Octobre 23, 2020
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