Chroniques de Xenoblade 3 Goodies Édition Collector à expédier à A “Date ultérieure” (Europe)
We’ve got an update for the European Xenoblade fans out there. According to Nintendo UK’s official website, the extra contents of the Chroniques de Xenoblade 3 Collector’s Edition won’t be released in time for the game’s new launch date – 29juillet.
If you do reserve a physical copy of the Collector’s Edition in this region, you’ll receive the game software on the launch date, and the additional contents at a “later date” – which is expected to be at some point during Autumn / Automne 2022. Notamment, all items will be shipped with free delivery.
“Please note: if you reserve the Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Collector’s Edition, you will receive the packaged Xenoblade Chronicles 3 game software when it launches on July 29th. The additional contents of the Collector’s Edition (Nintendo Switch SteelBook® case, softcover concept art book and outer box packaging) will be delivered separately at a later date (expected delivery timing: l'automne 2022). All items will be shipped with free delivery.”
As mentioned in our pre-order guide. the Collector’s Edition / Special Edition (Modèles de figurines du magasin) includes package artwork from Masatsugu Saito, une pleine couleur 250+ page hardcover art book and a steel case. We’ll let you know when pre-orders go live:
Alors, Voilà – if you do get this edition of the game and happen to be located somewhere in Europe, you might be waiting a little while for all these extra goodies. Nintendo has also reportedly confirmed a similar rollout for the Collector’s Edition in Japan, and it sounds like it’ll be the same deal in North America.
We’ll keep you posted if we hear any updates. How do you feel about this? Laissez un commentaire ci-dessous.
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