Intel ATX 3.0 16-pin Power Connector for PCIe Gen5 is Smart, Has Four Power-Delivery Variants
The 12VHPWR connector has 12 electrical pins and 4 side-band pins, for a total of 16 pins. The side-band pins enable low-fi communication between the power-supply and the graphics card, and two of these pins, labeled “SENSE0” and “SENSE1,” let the graphics card know what kind of connector is plugged in, so it can accordingly adjust its power-management. There are four variants of the 16-pin connector based on the electrical capability offered by the PSU. These include 600 W, 450 W, 300 W, and 150 W. The arrangement of the two SENSE pins is how the graphics card tells the four apart.
The 12VHPWR connector delivers power in two system states—Initial Permitted Power, and Maximum Sustain Power. The former defines a power-delivery limit when a system is powered up and awaiting boot (up to the stage of the graphics driver to get loaded). The latter is the limit allowed once the driver takes over (software configuration). The table above shows the various power configurations. Will this cause chaos? We don’t think so. Any graphics card with a 16-pin connector will take in any connector, and if the connector doesn’t meet its requirements, the GPU will default to the lowest power spec, and adjust its frequencies accordingly (performance will be affected). The GeForce RTX 3090 Ti Founders Edition is (or was supposed to be) the first graphics card with a 16-pin (12+4 pin) connector, including the side-band stub, even though the GPU doesn’t support PCIe Gen 5.