Is Fornite Dying?
It seems like there is less interest in Fortnite, is it the end?
Here on we see lower search requests for Fortnite related content and while there is still a pretty big community, the numbers are shrinking. We’ll never get the numbers from Epic Games, but using tools like the all knowing Google, we can find the popularity of searches on the web, and for that we use Google Trends.
As you can see by our below graphs Fortnite started to gain in popularity in 2017 and towards the end of 2017 and early 2018 peaked to be one of the most popular trending items on the Internet, which co-insides with the gaming communities popularity of the game.
In the top graph we see 2017 through April 2019 and you can easily see the huge slide downwards, in the second graph you can see just this year, while peaking slightly back up at the end of February has consistently been dropping.
I know as a player Fortnite is one of those love to hate it games, where depending on the luck of spawning weapons, the skills of the other players you come up against at any point of the game, 3rd party players killing you, it can be a very frustrating game to play.
So is everyone just bored with the game and simply wanting to play something new, or is there something else causing the downward trend?
Even Apex legends seen in the 2nd Graph in Red, jumped on the scene with huge numbers is already cooling down, call of duty in gold and Red Dead Redemption in green also sliding downwards with Fortnite at the bottom. Are we playing too many games and dividing our time or is the natural evolution of a game happening right in front of us. I’m not sure the data is enough to judge if it’s time to hang up our Fornite Skins just yet.
All the efforts Epic has made this year ( which have been significant ), may not be able to bring back the all time numbers…. only time will tell.