Dopo aver speso $ 70 miliardi per Activision Blizzard… Cosa succede se Microsoft acquista Nintendo Next?


Phil And Bowser

Nel settore delle riviste, la pagina posteriore è dove troverai tutte le strane sciocchezze in cui non potremmo adattarci da nessun'altra parte. Qualcuno potrebbe chiamarlo “riempitivo”; preferiamo “un'intera pagina per fare battute terribili che sono tangenzialmente legate al contenuto della rivista”.

Non abbiamo pagine su Internet, ma amiamo ancora le battute terribili, quindi benvenuto nella nostra funzione semi-regolare, Indietro Pagina. Today we imagine the phone call that potrebbe have taken place when Microsoft called Nintendo

Fantastic exclusive scoop, persone: We at Nintendo Life have received a transcript of a phone call between Microsoft’s Phil Spencer and Nintendo of America’s Doug Bowser, poco dopo the announcement of Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard. How did we get it? Don’t worry about it. Why did our source send it to Nintendo Life, and not somewhere that writes about Microsoft? Don’t worry about it.

Our scene begins in the Redmond offices of the Xbox Gaming division of Microsoft. Phil Spencer is marching down a hallway, heading for a door with a sign on it that saysPhil Spencer’s Room, No PlayStation Fanboys Allowed”. Sì, this was in the transcript. Stop asking questions.

One of the presentation materials we at Nintendo Life managed to get our hands on
One of the presentation materials we at Nintendo Life managed to get our hands on

PHIL: Marjorie, hold my calls for the next two hours. And cancel all my meetings.

MARJORIE: All your meetings? What about Viva Piñata 3 a 11? I thought you were excited about tha—

PHIL: Cancel it.

[Phil Spencer slams his door and slides theAVAILABLEsign toIN A MEETING”. He sits at his gigantic desk and picks up his Master Chief Funko Pop.]

PHIL: Let’s do this, John.

[He picks up the phone and speed-dials “1”.]

DOUG: Yello, Douggy B speaking.

PHIL: Doug! It’s Phil.

DOUG: Phil, I’m pretty busy today, I don’t have time for a Smash match—

PHIL: It’s not that. È… bene, you saw the news?

DOUG: Gli ActiBlizz thing? Trama, Sì. Was that Game Pass money?

PHIL: Game Pass, Minecraft, Halo, and also I think Satya found a couple bilin an account he’d forgotten about.

DOUG: Bello. But what does that have to do with Nintendo?

PHIL: Not much, am I right?

DOUG: Hahahaha yeah imagine Call of Duty sull'interruttore

PHIL: Hahahaha Crash Bandicoot in Smash Bros

DOUG: Ma sul serio…

PHIL: Bene, I’m deadly serious about this, Doug. With Activision, Blizzard, and King pulling in even more money for the Big X, we’re going to have to find things to do with all that cash.

DOUG: Vai su.

PHIL: Remember that time you laughed us out of the room when we offered to buy Nintendo?

DOUG: I wasn’t there, but I heard about it.

PHIL: Bene, quello era 20 years ago. E ora… I have a new business proposition for you, e questa volta, you’re not going to laugh. Perché, Dougwe could unite our forces. Nintendo and Xbox, against Sony. Red and green versus blue. Think of the things we can do together.

DOUG: You’re offering to buy Nintendo.

PHIL: We could rule the world together.

DOUG: You’re hoping to throw enough money at a 150-year-old video game company that we’d agree to be owned by Microsoft.

PHIL: For lots of money.

DOUG: Fondamentalmente Nintendo inventato you.

PHIL: You should hear me out, Doug! Especially now we’ve got a massive stable of ActiBlizz games. Think of the metaverse opportunities.

DOUG: I am a fan of the metaverse, Phil, è vero.

PHIL: Così, here’s my pitch. And I’m going to give it to you in a few handy bullet points, because we are businessmen and we love bullet points.

DOUG: Dio mio, Phil, I love bullet points.

PHIL: Okay. Bullet point number one. Three words: ForzaMario Kart.

DOUG: huh.

PHIL: Remember that time you put Mercedes Benzes in Mario Kart?

DOUG: I’d really rather not.

PHIL: Imagine that. But it’s every sports car from the past 50 years. E Mario is driving them. Immaginare questo: Yoshi in a Bugatti, dropping banana peels out the window. Shy Guy’s got the top down in a 2010 Audi TT. Bowser’s gunning it in a Ford Mustang, and Waluigi’s got a lurid purple Jaguar E-Type.

DOUG: Uh huh. I’m taking notes.

[Doug is doodling Peach in a Mini Cooper.]

A five-minute PhotoShop of Forza Mario Kart that was sent via email from Phil Spencer to Doug Bowser after the meeting
A five-minute PhotoShop of Forza Mario Kart that was sent via email from Phil Spencer to Doug Bowser after the meeting

PHIL: Bullet point the second: We could share Chris Pratt.

DOUG: Oh, I love Chris Pratt. He is very funny. [laughs]

PHIL: I love his movies about the man who has one personality trait and a six-pack!

DOUG: Me too! But that’s more of a deal for you, isn’t it? I mean, we already have him.

PHIL: Oh. credo di si.

[Phil scratches out the wordsgritty Guy Ritchie heist movie: Chris Pratt as Clippy?”]

PHIL: Then, erm… Oh! You can integrate Microsoft characters into Smash Bros. Cortana, Ori, the dog from Fable 2

DOUG: The last thing Masahiro Sakurai said to me wasnever say the words “Smash Bros” e “nuovi personaggi” to me again”, so I don’t think that’s likely.

PHIL: Sure, certo. Sì. Bene… Tell you what, we’ll give you Rare back. How does that sound?

DOUG: But we already have Banjo-Kazooie coming to Nintendo Switch Online.

PHIL: There’s that new Buio perfetto gioco. That’s an Xbox exclusive.

DOUG: Mmm, but that’s not Rare, è?

PHIL: Sea of ​​Thieves?

DOUG: Won’t run on the Switch. And have you tried using our online multiplayer?

PHIL: Good point. Che ne dite di Zelda X Fable?

DOUG: I think ceaseless fart jokes would make for a very weird Zelda.

PHIL: Tingle definitely farts.

DOUG: Our official internal company line ispretend Tingle never existed”.

PHIL: Candy Crush Go?

DOUG: How would that even work? Are you catching jelly beans?

PHIL: I don’t know! We could just tell Niantic to figure it out and rake in all the cash.

DOUG: Hmm.

PHIL: viva pinata?

DOUG: That’s the most convincing thing you’ve said yet, Philip.

PHIL: Okay, buono, buono!

[Phil scans his list. Most things are crossed out.]

A screenshot of Phil Spencer's PowerPoint presentation entitled "nintendo_xbox_xbendo_final_final2.pptx"
A screenshot of Phil Spencer’s PowerPoint presentation entitlednintendo_xbox_xbendo_final_final2.pptx

PHIL: Uhhh… Oh! Here’s a pitch: Screensavers on the Nintendo Switch.

DOUG: Screensavers?

PHIL: Sì, come… remember that one with the maze?

DOUG: I don’t think anyone uses screensavers any more.

PHIL: Right, because no one really still uses CRT monitors. Or OLED monitors. Riiiiight?


PHIL: Good thing there are no OLED consoles, haha!

DOUG: …You’ve made your point.

We'd actually be down for this.
We’d actually be down for this.

PHIL: E, tell you what, we’ll throw in Encarta su Switch.

DOUG: Encarta?!

PHIL: You love Encarta. I’ve seen the number of hours you put into MindMaze alone.

DOUG: How could you possibly know that? MindMaze isn’t even on Steam.

PHIL: I work at Microsoft, Doug. I see everything.

DOUG: Finora, your only enticing propositions have been Viva Piñata and Encarta, Phil. And I don’t think Nintendo fans are going to be interested in a bunch of 20-year-old games.

PHIL: Isn’t that your entire business model?

DOUG: Stai zitto.

PHIL: Alright, va bene. One last idea for you.

DOUG: It had better be good. The higher-ups won’t even look at it as it is.

PHIL: Che cosa succede se… What if I added altro Nintendo Switch to my games shelf? e siamo impressionati dal fatto che gli sviluppatori originali Terminal Reality siano stati in grado di tirare fuori questo dal fuoco così come hanno fatto?

[Doug hangs up.]

Another PhotoShop by Spencer, emailed to Bowser. No reply was received.
Another PhotoShop by Spencer, emailed to Bowser. No reply was received.

Così… it’s not looking likely that Nintendo will end up in Xbox’s stable of game horses. But perhaps you have a more convincing argument for Doug Bowser? Let us know in the comments.
