L'istruzione AMD WMMA è una risposta diretta ai Tensor Core NVIDIA
AMD ROCm 5.2 API update lists the use case for this type of instruction, which you can see below:
rocWMMA provides a C++ API to facilitate breaking down matrix multiply accumulate problems into fragments and using them in block-wise operations that are distributed in parallel across GPU wavefronts. The API is a header library of GPU device code, meaning matrix core acceleration may be compiled directly into your kernel device code. This can benefit from compiler optimization in the generation of kernel assembly and does not incur additional overhead costs of linking to external runtime libraries or having to launch separate kernels.
rocWMMA is released as a header library and includes test and sample projects to validate and illustrate example usages of the C++ API. GEMM matrix multiplication is used as primary validation given the heavy precedent for the library. Tuttavia, the usage portfolio is growing significantly and demonstrates different ways rocWMMA may be consumed.