Aspirare: Ina's Tale porta presto un'elegante piattaforma di puzzle su Switch


Though December can sometimes be a quiet month in terms of major retail releases, it’s likely to serve up a number of tempting smaller titles. One that may deserve a spot on the wishlist is Aspirare: Il racconto della mamma, which arrives on 17th December priced at 12.99 Dollaro statunitense / 12.99 euro / 10.29 Sterlina inglese.

As you can see in the trailer it could offer some excellent visuals and audio, and the storyline also sounds interesting. Developer Wondernaut Studio looks to have produced some puzzle platforming along with the storytelling angle:

Trapped in perpetual slumber inside the cruel Tower that feeds off the dreams of its victims, one prisoner awakes. Lost inside the Tower’s inner chambers, the heroine Ina must now search for a way out. Along the way, she’ll traverse marvelous scenery, meet enigmatic characters, solve intuitive puzzles, and conquer platforming sequences as she comes closer to her goalbut farther from innocence.

Let us know in the comments if you’re intrigued by this one; if you have a decent PC / Mac there’s also a demo on Steam, and also coming to Xbox on 7th December.
