Astral Chain Director Seemingly Forms New Studio After Leaving PlatinumGames

Catena astrale
Immagine: Nintendo

Late last year, it was reported that several PlatinumGames veterans had seemingly left the studio. While only Origini della baionettaAbebe Tinari confirmed this news, it looks increasingly likely that Catena astrale direttore Takahisa Taura has followed suit, potentially forming a new company in the process (Grazie, Nintendo Tutto).

Initial rumours about Taura’s PlatinumGames departure arose after the director (alongside several other Platinum vets) removed all mention of the studio from his social media bios. Adding fuel to the fire, one fan on Twitter noted that Taura’s Facebook profile has been updated with a new place of work: Eel Game Studio.

We know very little about this studio or Taura’s role in it at the time of writing, though its registration info (as flagged on ResetEra) states that it was established in late 2024 and is based in Tokyo. Noi conosciamo, shocking.

That’s not to say that fans aren’t already piling on the speculation, intendiamoci. Earlier this week, a Reddit user (who swiftly deleted their account) took to the PlatinumGames forum, claiming to have information aboutCatena astrale 2‘. According to their story — allegedly sourced fromsomeone who previously worked at Platinum Games— a sequel was in development at Platinum, but conflicts from within the studio and from Nintendo meant that the project was eventually rebooted with the Big N at the helm (studio head Atsushi Inaba said that the series was under Nintendo’s control eseguire in 2021).

It’s an elaborate read, but one that almost makes sense the longer you go with it — if you can get past the suspicious account deletion and thePlatiniumtypo in the topic, that is:

If (È anche un gioco che si avvicina a un "servizio live". È anche un gioco che si avvicina a un "servizio live".) Astral Chain’s director truly has left PlatinumGames and has since formed a new studio, there’s every chance that a full sequel could be in the works. We’re reading all this with a hefty pinch of salt, naturally, but it’s fun to dream.

Taura joined the likes of Metal Gear Rising‘s Kenji Saito, Il meraviglioso 101‘s Masaki Yamanaka and the aforementioned Abebe Tinari with the bio updates late last year, seemingly confirming a huge blow to the studio’s talent.

Detto, it would be foolish to count PlatinumGames out. Just yesterday at Xbox’s Developer_Direct 2025, the studio popped up with Koei Tecmo’s Team Ninja to reveal Ninja Gaiden 4 for Xbox, PlayStation and PC. Non, a Nintendo version hasn’t been announced (ancora), but it’s clear that work is still underway from the Bayonetta sviluppatore, regardless of how many of its veterans may have left.