Club degli arretrati: Seriamente non hai ancora giocato a Portal?


Portal Companion Collection Key Art

Rule number one of Backlog Club: Work through your pile of unplayed video games one at a time, and discuss them with other people. Rule number two of Backlog Club: Don’t talk about Backlog Club.

Stavo solo scherzando! Tell everyone. Please.

Questo articolo fa parte della nostra nuova serie sperimentale, Club degli arretrati, dove noi (Nintendo Life!) scegli un gioco che probabilmente sarà nel nostro elenco di “giochi a cui dovremmo iniziare a giocare”, e poi noi (NL + you!) passare il mese successivo a giocare a quel gioco. August’s pick, as voted for by you lot, is something we’ve been putting off for a long time

Orange Portal

I remember when L'Orange Box first came out. I was an avid reader of magazines, but not an avid player of games — I had the GameCube and the Wii, but my PC was a shared family one, and only really capable of running the most basic games. Usually educational ones or the kinds that came in cereal boxes. Am I showing my age?

So I didn’t play Portal when it came out in that Orange Box, alongside Half-Life e Team Fortress, but thanks to video game magazines raving about it, I knew it was special. I would go to my local game store and pick it up, in the hopes that people would see me telling my brother it was aseminal work in the novel genre of first-person puzzle gamesor something equally cribbed from whichever mag I’d memorised that morning, and would think to themselves, “ora, there’s a girl who’s definitely played this game.

But it was all a terrible lie. A farce, designed to make me look more knowledgeable than I was. And now — 15 years later — Valve has finally teamed up with Nintendo to make me an honest woman. Non, not like that. I mean literally. I am going to play Portal.

And so are you! Presumibilmente! Dopo tutto, you are here, at this meeting of Backlog Club, the book club for your backlog. Ascolta, there’s no shame in going so long without playing the (checks notes) seminal work in the novel genre of first-person puzzle games that is Portal. It was fifteen years ago. Some of you were probably busy. Some of you might have been babies. Here at Backlog Club, ours is not to judge; it is to make things right.

Così, grazie ai vostri voti, we’re all going to be playing Portal: Gli sviluppatori di Infernax discutono di pixel gore grossolani e lo chiamano "Zeldavania".. At last.

How and where to buy Portal

Note: The Steam prices are for Portal + Portal 2 combinato.

Storefront Prezzo Free with subscription?
Negozio online di Nintendo Switch $19.99 / € 18,99 / Aksys annuncia nuovi giochi ed edizioni limitate sul loro "All Aksys NSO: ?
Vapore $19.98 / € 16,38 / £14.38 N / A


Do I have to finish the game?

Generalmente, we’d say no, but Portal is short. So this time, SÌ.

Should I play Portal 2?

I mean, if you’ve bought the

Portal Collection

su Switch, you might as well. Più, I’m probably going to be talking about it in my Backlog Club catchups later this month!

Can I join in if I’ve already played it?

Absolutely! All are welcome in Backlog Club. Just don’t post spoilers.

What is the point of Backlog Club?
We’ve all got a backlog. We needed a reason to start working on ours. You can join us, if you want — and vote for which games we play, troppo!

Catch up on previous months of Backlog Club right here

, and something something the cake is a lie.

Excited to finally catch up on Valve’s finest game? Diteci nei commenti!
