Il sequel di Blossom Tales rivela la data di uscita di agosto nel nuovo trailer

The follow up to the 2017 indie hit Racconti di fiori: The Sleeping King has finally confirmed a release date. Racconti di fiori 2: Il Principe Minotauro will be launching on the Switch and Steam on 16th August this year.

If you played the original game, you should already be familar with thestory within a story” concetto. But here’s a bit extra about it, courtesy of the PRalong with a new trailer (al di sopra) showcasing some of the many foes:

Enjoy astory within a storyas Grandpa narrates exciting moments throughout Lily’s incredible adventure in a heartfelt tribute to both classic adventure games and beloved movies such as ‘Labryinthand ‘The Princess Bride’.

As well as announcing the release date, the latest trailer below is a showcase of the nefarious foes Lily must defeat in order to rescue her brother from the grips of the Minotaur King.

In termini di funzionalità, players can expect the followinga main story and side quests, classic top-down action-adventure retro fun, mini-dungeons, many different locations, a choice-driven story, a wide array of weapons and abilities, e 15+ di gioco.

In aggiunta a questo, a Limited Run Games physical release has also been confirmed:

Will you be adding this game to your Switch collection when it arrives this August? Lascia un commento qui sotto.