Rissa di box art: Duel – Separatori di orari 2

Separatori di orari 2 - Rissa di box art
Immagine: Nintendo Life

Ciao gente, e benvenuti a un'altra edizione di Rissa di box art!

Ultima volta, abbiamo dato un'occhiata alla quarta voce del franchise di Mega Man di Capcom: Mega Man 4 for the NES. It wasn’t a close one, entrambi; lontano da esso! A whopping 79% of you preferred the Japanese variant, with the EU version bringing in 15% del voto, and the North American version trailing significantly at 7%.

Questa settimana, we’re going to be looking at a classic FPS for the GameCube: Separatori di orari 2. It’s hard to believe that this game is now 20 years old, because in many ways, it still feels as fresh as it did back in 2002. Featuring a story mode and the classic arcade mode, it gained legions of fans and remains one of the most fun experiences you can have with an FPS title to this very day.

Ovviamente, this brawl will be a duel between North America and Europe, since Timesplitters 2 was never released in Japan. Enough talking though, let’s get cracking!

Assicurati di esprimere i tuoi voti nel sondaggio qui sotto; but first, diamo un'occhiata agli stessi disegni di box art.

Nord America

Separatori di orari 2 - NA
Immagine: Eidos Interactive

North America’s box art for Timesplitters 2 features a single character front and centre, pointing a pretty huge gun towards the viewer. There’s a whole bunch of strobe effects coming from the centre and moving outwards, ma altrimenti, there’s not a whole lot of colour going on here. The logo itself is nice and bold in the centre of the image.


Separatori di orari 2 - EU
Immagine: Eidos Interactive

Europe’s variant is quite different, featuring three separate characters in a composition that resembles comic book art, with panels separating each of the characters. Not only that, but the artwork itself is more stylised; it’s busier and there’s more going on, but it makes for a pleasing image overall. The logo is a bit smaller here and sits lower than the NA variant, but we wouldn’t want it to cover that stunning artwork.

Grazie per aver votato! Ci vediamo la prossima volta per un altro round della Box Art Brawl.