Rissa di box art: Cattivo Ospite: The Mercenaries 3D

Rissa di box art - RI: The Mercenaries 3D
Immagine: Nintendo Life

Happy Sunday, tutti; benvenuti a un'altra edizione di ‘Box Art Brawl!

We’ve got another great one for you this week, but first let’s take a look at the previous results. Ultima volta, we featured the GameCube classic from Rare Ltd, Avventure di Star Fox. Criminally underrated at the time of its release, the action-adventure title has nevertheless gained significant respect from Nintendo fans in the years since.

For Box Art Brawl, it was another duel in which North America and Europe teamed up to take on Japan. It wasn’t a close one either; the western design clearly struck a chord with readers, taking in a hefty 79% del voto.

Questa settimana, we’re moving forward in time to look at another underrated title on the Nintendo 3DS: Cattivo Ospite: The Mercenaries 3D. Taking the Mercenaries mini-games from Cattivo Ospite 4 e Cattivo Ospite 5, The Mercenaries 3D was a solid action title, but failed to impress fans who were hoping for a corretto Resident Evil game on the 3DS. That wouldn’t follow until a year later, when Cattivo Ospite: Revelations lanciato in 2012.

Questa volta, the western designs are simile, but different enough for us to have a proper three-way battle, so without further ado, quindi questo elenco non includerà la vasta selezione già disponibile nel!

Assicurati di esprimere i tuoi voti nel sondaggio qui sotto; but first, diamo un'occhiata agli stessi disegni di box art.

Nord America

RI: The Mercenaries 3D - NA
Immagine: Capcom

The North American design for The Mercenaries 3D features RE veteran Chris Redfield coming face-to-face against Resident Evil 5’s take on the chainsaw-wielding Dr. Salvador: the Executioner. It’s a striking image, to be sure, with the background adding more impact with explosive textures and effects.


RI: The Mercenaries 3D - Regno Unito
Immagine: Capcom

Europe’s design, d'altronde, features the same image, but against a pure white background. It actually works quite well as a more abstract take on North America’s design, arguably making Chris Redfield and the Executioner pop out even more.


RI: The Mercenaries 3D - JP
Immagine: Capcom

Japan’s design is a little bit different, choosing instead to focus on some of the characters you’ll be playing as in The Mercenaries 3D. You’ve got Chris Redfield, his sister Claire, Martinetto “Witness the PowerKrauser, and HUNK. Honestly, why Capcom chose to omit Albert Wesker here is a bit of a baffling choice, but we’ll let it slide. Overall though, it’s a pretty cool image!

Grazie per aver votato! Ci vediamo la prossima volta per un altro round della Box Art Brawl.