Non riesco a trovare la luce morente sull'eShop di Switch? Potrebbe essere perché attualmente è vietato in Germania

Dying Light

Come potresti aver sentito, Dying Light Platinum Edition has arrived on the Nintendo Switch and it’s been described by the folks over at Fonderia Digitale as another “porta progettata in modo intelligente” for the hybrid system.

If you happen to be located in the UK, across Europe, or even Australia and New Zealand though, you might not actually be able to purchase it. Yep, if you are in any of these regionsthe digital version of the game isn’t actually available on the Switch eShop right now.

Perché? Because it’s been banned from sale in Germany. As explained by an official Techland spokesperson over on Reddit (via Eurogamer), it’s all tied to the fact Nintendo Europe’s eShop (which Australia and New Zealand are also linked with) is registered in Germany, and in this particular country Dying Light is unrated and not available for sale.

The team at Techland is currently working with its partner and local authorities to lift the ban as soon as possible:

If you’re talking about the digital version, then due to nature of content the digital version of the game is currently banned in Germany where European e-Shop is officially registered. This is making it impossible to officially distribute the game in European countries and also in Australia and New Zealand. We are currently working with our partner and local authorities to remove the ban as soon as we can.

Nel frattempo, you can go with a physical copy of the game instead if you happen to be located in any of these regions (except Germany, naturalmente):

The game is available digitally in the US and Asia, and the retail version is available worldwide (except Germany)”

When this issue is resolved, Quando otteniamo le note sulla patch locale di Nintendo.