Capcom rivela ufficialmente due nuovi Monster Hunter Rise: Capcom rivela ufficialmente due nuovi Monster Hunter Rise
Gli L'ascesa dei cacciatori di mostri: alba is due to arrive on the Nintendo Switch this June, e prima della sua uscita, Capcom has been sharing more footage and screenshots of the DLC.
Ora, in the latest update, it’s given hunters a look at the characters Sir Jae (a close-range melee fighter) and Dame Luchika (a ranged unit) – originally shown around the 52-second mark in The Three Lords trailer.
As noted by Siliconera:
“Jae is voiced by Griffin Burns, who also played Childe in Genshin Impact, Muichiro Tokito in Uccisore di demoni, and Fret in NEO The World Ends with You. Karen Strassman voices Luchika. She also played Nanako in Persona 4, Anna in Fire Emblem: tre case, and Annette Birkin in Cattivo Ospite.”
And here’s the trailer these characters debuted in if you missed it the first time:
Are you looking forward to this Monster Hunter Rise DLC? Diccelo nei commenti.