Il co-fondatore dello studio di proprietà di Nintendo Next Level Games annuncia il ritiro

Palazzo Luigi 3
Immagine: Nintendo

Next Level Games co-founder, current president and former CEO Douglas Tronsgard has announced he will be retiring after more than 20 years.

He shared a brief message over on his Linkedin thanking everyone at Nintendo and the Canada-based developer for believing in him. Eccolo per intero:

After over 20 years in the Video Game Industry, I am happy to announce my retirement. I wanted to say ‘thank you’ to everyone who helped me on my journey to get here. A special thank you to Nintendo for believing in me and Next Level Games. It’s truly been my honor to be a part of NLG’s incredible history.

I look forward to a new chapter in my life that should involve lots of travelling with my wife. Take care everyone and enjoy the journey! Douglas.

Next Level Games is currently working on Mario Striker: Lega di battagliaarriving on the Nintendo Switch this June. Last year it was also acquired by Nintendo, after its work on games such as Palazzo di Luigi, Mario Striker, Punch Out!! e Metroid Prime: Forza della Federazione.

A nome della community qui su Nintendo Life, we wish Douglas all the best in his retirement.