Completa le missioni delle vacanze, battaglia con oggetti non utilizzati, e altro ancora in Fortnite's 2021 Winterfest – Blog PlayStation


Winterfest is back in Fortnite! In funzione da dicembre 16 a 6 AM PT to January 6 a 6 AM PT, Sgt. Winter will be handing out 14 Presents — including two festive outfits — for you to unwrap.

Here’s a peek at what the Presents are in addition to the two outfits: due picconi, due involucri, un aliante, Contrail, Emote, Traccia della lobby, Schermata di caricamento, emoticon, Spray, e Banner.

Completa le missioni delle vacanze, battaglia con oggetti non utilizzati, e altro ancora in Fortnite's 2021 Festa d'inverno

Welcome Back to the Winterfest Lodge

Sgt. Winter and your presents will be waiting for you at the Winterfest Lodge. To enter the Lodge, head over to the snowflake tab in the Lobby. If you miss any days of opening Presents, you can always come back and open them before Winterfest ends.

We don’t wanna spoil all the gifts you’ll be receiving, but we’ll at least reveal the outfits. One is Krisabelle, a festive take of the community-inspired Isabelle, and the other is Polar Peely, one cool banana (literally).

Ice Cold Armory

Cool cosmetics aren’t the only gifts Sgt. Winter is bringing to the Island. He’s opened an armory full of familiar icy items. Give your opponents (or yourself) ice block feet with Chiller Grenades. Launch explosive snowballs with Snowball Launchers. Disguise yourself with the Sneaky Snowman. And up your loot game with the Holiday Presents throwables.

Nel negozio di articoli: Spider-Man and MJ from Spider-Man: Nessun modo per tornare a casa (Più altri vestiti)

C'è il classico Spider-Man del Capitolo 3 Stagione 1 Battaglia Passo, e presto No Way Home Spider-Man e MJ arriveranno all'Item Shop per il Winterfest. (Giusto in tempo per l'uscita del film!) L'Uomo Ragno (Nessun modo per tornare a casa) e MJ (Nessun modo per tornare a casa) outfits will be in the Item Shop starting December 16 a 4 PM PT. Indossa e togli la maschera di No Way Home Spider-Man con il suo emote integrato!

More new outfits will be rotating into the Shop throughout Winterfest, including those inspired by June’s Concept Royale winners @lbdart_ and @AltaCalls. This Concept Royale was our callout for two exceptional, wintry concepts to be transformed into outfits. Returning winter outfits will be rotating into the Shop during Winterfest as well.

Sgt. Winter and his trusty Red Nosed Ranger chauffeurs will be roaming around the Island, spreading the holiday joy by throwing out Holiday Presents. Don’t do something to get you on the Sergeant’s naughty list, anche se, or else he and the Rangers will go from joyful to hostile quick.

Quindi stai gentile, unwrap your presents in the Lodge, e buon Winterfest.
