"Nine Sols" in stile Sekiro 2D acclamato dalla critica’ Confermato per il passaggio

Aggiornare [Lun 30 sett, 2024 19:30 BST]:

Nel caso te lo fossi perso, come noi (maledetta Zelda) — following ratings in Taiwan earlier this summer, the 2D combat-focused Metroidvania Nove Sol has been confirmed for Switch.

Giochi di candele rosse’ acclaimed Sekiro-inspired game is coming to the eShop on 26th November 2024, and to celebrate, we got a brand new trailer, troppo.

For more details on the game, dai un'occhiata alla nostra storia originale qui sotto…

Articolo originale [Mon 5th Aug, 2024 16:45 BST]:

Red Candle Games is best known for cult horror hits Detenzione e Devotion, both of which are absolutely excellent and well worth picking up. But the studio’s newest game is something completely different from the team, and while the game is currently exclusive to PC, a new rating suggests that it will be coming to Nintendo Switch.

Spotted by Aniplex e CyberConnect, Nove Sol has been rated for all consoles including Switch in Taiwan. The game is a blend of Cavaliere Hollow e Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a potent combo that combines beautiful 2D platforming and combat that focuses heavy on parrying and breaking enemy guard.

You play a Yi, a forgotten hero who is awoken from his slumber by a human child. He must save the realm of New Kunlun, a stunning Taopunk world, from the 9 Sols, rulers of the land.

Reviews for the game, which launched on Steam back in May, are positively glowing. Opinion pieces keep dropping even a few months after launch, and the word is that this is a brutal, beautiful adventure. The launch date trailer up top should give you a good idea of just how stunning the game looks, almeno.

We hope that a console release is confirmed soon (ratings don’t always guarantee this, ricordare!), because it sounds like this game deserves a lot of attention.

Have you played Nine Sols? Do you want to see this on Switch? Classifiche della scorsa settimana.