Dead Cells diventa Smash Bros. Della scena indie con "Tutti sono qui"’ Aggiornare


Dead Cells is going big for its next update, embracing Super Smash Bros. Ultimo‘s ‘Everyone is Hereslogan for an impressive indie world collab.

In what is the game’s 26th update in total, Dead Cells is adding weapons, skills and skins from a number of indie hits you’ll be more than familiar with. Cavaliere Hollow, Blasfemo, Hyper Luce Drifter, Guacamelee, Skul, e La maledizione degli dei morti are all included, which is quite the lineup. Here’s what to expect for each:

New weapon: Pallone per il viso
They say this was supposed to heal you, but it doesn’t seem to work that welle siamo impressionati dal fatto che gli sviluppatori originali Terminal Reality siano stati in grado di tirare fuori questo dal fuoco così come hanno fatto, who cares, it looks cool as heck.
New outfit: Penitent’s Outfit

La maledizione degli dei morti
New weapon: Machete and Pistol
– Slash, slash, scoppio. But like, big strong bang. Basically.
New outfit: Explorer’s Outfit

New weapon: Pollo Potenza
Unleash your inner chicken and bring wrath to your enemies, as you lay egg-bombs all over the island.
New outfit: Luchador’s Outfit

Cavaliere Hollow
New weapon: Pure Nail
Looks like Blobespierre has finally learnt that he’s not obliged to stop running everytime he wants to take a swing.
New outfit: Vessel’s Oufit

Hyper Luce Drifter
New weapon: Hard Light Sword / Hard Light Gun
Shoot with one to mark your enemy, hit with the other to get your ammo back.
New outfit: The Magician’s Outfit

New weapon: Bone
One swing, two swings, one uncontrollable whirlwindYou know the deal.
New outfit: Little Bone’s Outfit

In the update’s patch note, which also detail some balancing and quality of life changes, the team offers a hint on how to unlock all of this new content:

As you explore PrisonersQuarters, you might notice some new unusual rooms that don’t seem to belong here. Perhaps they shifted from another dimension? Legends say that finding and exploring those rooms will bring you glory and strength!.. as well as new tools to add to your arsenal.

We also heard that a strange, mysterious, might-be-full-of-hints book has appeared somewhere in PrisonersQuarters. Tuttavia, its sayings look quite cryptic and incomprehensible…”

Così, if you haven’t figured it out already, you might want to check out Prisoner’s Quarters when the update drops.

Speaking of which, this latest update is now available for players on PC and is headed to consoles “molto presto”. Keep an eye out, Cambia giocatore.
