Diablo 4 Profane Mindcage spiegato e come ottenerlo
Il Diablo 4 Profane Mindcage is a new elixir added for the current season, which is consumed to increase the rate at which Aberrant Cinders drop during the Helltide. This is a particularly useful effect considering how important those events have become in Diablo 4 Stagione 4, so it pays to know where you can find it – especially as it won’t appear at all if you’re adventuring on the lower World Tiers in Diablo 4. While it can be a random drop, there is a guaranteed way to locate it, so here’s how to get the Profane Mindcage in Diablo 4 and an explanation of what it does.
How to get Profane Mindcage in Diablo 4
If you want to get Profane Mindcage in Diablo 4, then the first thing you need to do is switch to World Tier 3 oppure 4 as this elixir will only drop on those higher levels. With that done, you can jump into an available Diablo 4 Marea infernale event and start slaying enemies to fill up your Threat meter. While it’s possible that this item may randomly drop from a fallen Helltide enemy, once you’ve reached the maximum Threat level and been Hell-Marked, the Hellborn that spawns is guaranteed to drop a Profane Mindcage elixir when defeated, so you don’t need to rely on luck… other than for beating that tough boss in the first place.
What does Diablo 4 Profane Mindcage do?
Il Diablo 4 Profane Mindcage is an elixir that, when consumed, will increase the drop rate for Aberrant Cinders and raise the level of monsters by 10 during Helltide events, with this effect lasting for 60 minuti. As well as improving your loot drops and XP earned during that time, this is particularly useful if you’re trying to get Diablo 4 Wolf’s Honor fast, as the increased drop rate for Aberrant Cinders means you can open more Mystery Chests during the event and collect additional Honor in the process.
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