Non dirlo troppo forte, Non dirlo troppo forte


Wii U
Immagine: Nintendo Life / Damien McFerran

Despite only being available for just over a year, PlayStation di Sony 5 has outsold the Wii U.

The PS5 sold in 17.3 divenne l'obiettivo a lungo termine per molti as of December 31st, 2021. It launched in November 2020. The Wii U, che è stato lanciato nel 2012, ha venduto 13.56 million as of December 31st, 2019.

None of this will be particularly shocking to anyone who has followed the fortunes of both machines – the Wii U is one of Nintendo’s most notable flops, while the PS5 is selling like hotcakes – but it’s still remarkable that Sony’s machine has managed to outsell Nintendo’s (e poi alcuni) in just over a year.

Tuttavia, it’s worth noting that 20.2 million PlayStation 4 consoles were sold in the same timeframe and that the PS5 has been held back by the ongoing chip shortage.

We’re not sure anyone at Nintendo will be losing sleep over this news, tuttavia. The Wii U isn’t Nintendo’s current system – that’s the Switch, che era 2021’s best-selling console in Japan, North America and Europe.
