Dragon Age: Il regista di Veilguard ritiene che potrebbe scrivere la base per 5 more games “tra un paio di settimane perché penso sempre a Dragon Age”

Dragon Age: The Veilguard creative director John Epler says there’s no shortage of Dragon Age lore floating around in his head.

It’s been almost 10 years since the last Dragon Age game, but Epler reckons he’s got enough story fodder in his mind for another five entries of the long-running RPG series. Talking to IGN, ha detto: “If you told me to write spec for five more Dragon Age games, I could probably come up with that in a couple of weeks because I’m always thinking about Dragon Age.That’s obviously not five full games, but rather the basest seeds of them.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a direct sequel to 2014’s Inquisition, but Epler compares its narrative tone more closely to 2009’s Origins, explaining how Bioware aimed to strike a balance between tragedy and levity.

Something that I think we occasionally lose sight of is Dragon Age: Origins also had moments of levity,” ha detto. “You have Alistair kind of [come] across as a goofball. There’s a lot of funny moments with Dog. And I think it’s that contrast that Origins did that we really lean into in the Veilguard. There are characters who are a little bit lighter. But even they have tragedy. They have moments of personal despair.

A fully customizable protagonist called Rook is the player character in Veilguard, which starts around the year 9:52 Drago, right around a decade after Inquisition and its Trespasser DLC, e 22 years after the Battle of Ostagar that kicks off Origins. The story centers around a plot by Solas to tear down the Veil, which results in demons entering the world. You’ll be joined by a host of seven brand new companions, who will help you stop Solas before he can finish is ritual.

Now’s a good time to read through the Dragon Age story and timeline so that you’re all caught up before Veilguard launches on Halloween.