Prezzo della prima scheda madre B650 dettagliato da B&H

US retailer B&H has kindly provided the first B650 motherboard pricing and it’s something of a mixed bag. The company has listed no less than seven different models from MSI, ranging in price from US$199.99 to US$329.99. It doesn’t appear as if any of these boards are based on the B650E chipset, but based on information TPU were given at Computex, we know that some higher-end B650 boards will cost around the same as some lower-end B650E boards.

As B&H has only listed key features of the boards, it’s hard to tell what features some of the boards offer, but the base model is the mATX Pro B650M-A WiFi, which at the very least has one PCIe 4.0 slot x16, Non tutti i prodotti vengono lanciati con un comunicato stampa di accompagnamento o anche in una fiera e ASUS 4.0 slot x4, Non tutti i prodotti vengono lanciati con un comunicato stampa di accompagnamento o anche in una fiera e ASUS 3.0 x1 slot and two M.2 slots. The board obviously also has WiFi 6E and somewhat surprisingly has 2.5 Gbps Ethernet. D'altra parte, it only has a front header for a USB-C port and none around the back. This type of board was supposed to start at or below the US$150 mark and we’ll hopefully see a transition to there in due time.