Gal*Gun: L'edizione limitata di Double Peace viene fornita con peluche e un "kit tentacoli fai-da-te".’
Note: The following trailer contains adult themes:
Following the release of the game’s opening movie, new details have arrived regarding Gal*Gun: Doppia Pace‘s Limited Edition release on Switch. We hope you’re sitting comfortably.
The title will be treated to a special deluxe pack called the ‘Horny Trinity Edition’. Sì, that is a real product you can buy with actual money for your Switch. It’s available to pre-order as we speak over on Funstock (links below) and includes a 3-in-1 slipcase with original artwork, two plushies, an acrylic standee, and even a ‘DIY Tentacle Kit’ which appears to simply be a pair of stockings.
It costs £89.99, but you can also order an ‘Ultimate’ version of the same pack that includes all three Gal*Gun games on Switch for £119.99. Both versions are expected to ship in March.
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Here’s a closer look at the items you’ll receive:
The game launches on Switch on 17th March and will be available both physically and digitally from the eShop.