GBA Sky Garden Showcased For Mario Kart Tour, Spot The Differences From MK8 Deluxe


With the snappily titled Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass first wave not being far away, there’s been plenty of chatter around whether Nintendo has utilised Mario Kart Tour equivalents of retro courses (and of course there are actual Tour tracks in the wave) as foundations, leading to a slightly different visual look. To which the answer is “yeah, probably, that’s normally what happens in game development”.

We feel the Switch iteration of these courses look a darn site crisper and more detailed, likely due to the mobile title needing to accommodate an extremely broad range of devices. It’s a fair comparison, though, one which is now a little easier that the Sky Tour has been announced for Mario Kart Tour, which includes the debut of GBA Sky Garden in the game; yep, the same course we’ll be playing in the Lucky Cat Cup on 18th March on Switch.

You can see the mobile entry’s trailer at the top, with the Booster Course Pass trailer below:

Similar art style and shared assets? Absolutely. Will it be any less fun as a result? Probably not.

In any case, let us know what you think in the comments!
