Rimani bloccato nel gioco di ruolo strategico "The DioField Chronicle".’ Ora con la demo gratuita di Switch

La cronaca di DioField
Immagine: Square Enix

If we haven’t had enough strategy RPG news from Square Enix this year, then the upcoming La cronaca di DioField brings a bit of a twist to the genre. And you can find out just what that twist is as a demo has launched on the Switch eShop today!

Calling itself a “Battaglia tattica in tempo reale” gioco, this is Square Enix and Lancarse’s attempt at trying their hands at some real-time strategy action. On a slightly smaller scale to those other veterans, naturalmente. And with this demo comes our favourite modern-day addition — your progress carries over to the full game!

Previews for the game have been dropping since yesterday, and Game Informer got some hands-on time with the upcoming release — which is just one of many Square Enix titles launching in the final four months of the year. Dai un'occhiata qui sotto!

You can download The DioField Chronicle demo on the US the eShop right here. The game launches on 22nd September, so that’s plenty of time to perfect your tactical skills and hone in on your strategy ambitions.

Will you be trying out the demo? Are you interested in The DioField Chronicle? assegnandolo a!