Have You Seen Titanfall?
It had to be one of the most overheard questions during PAX Prime 2013. Whether it was on the show floor or on Twitter and Facebook, seemingly everyone wanted to know if their friends had experienced the highly-anticipated first-person shooter from Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts.
Did it merit its record-breaking six Game Critics awards all'E3? Did it deserve the “Best Next Generation Console Game” award at gamescom, o il glowing praise from the industry’s most prominent critics, including IGN, tramite Destructoid, the Verge, the Penny Arcade Report and many more?
After playing it at PAX Prime (and then getting back in line to play it four more times) it’s easy to understand what the excitement is about. It’s unique, blisteringly fast, exhilarating, intense and, più importante, a whole lot of fun.
It’s a new generation first-person shooter, only made possible by the power of the Xbox Live Cloud, for a new generation of fan itching to embrace the future of gaming, and it’s coming only to Xbox and PC.
Read on to find out more about “Titanfall,” and be sure to check out a special PAX Prime podcast interview with Xbox’s Major Nelson and Respawn Entertainment’s Abbie Heppe.
Titans Among Men
Matches in “Titanfall” revolve around teams of elite soldiers (Pilots) and massive bi-pedal robots (Titans). There are multiple Pilot characters and Titans to choose from, e gli equipaggiamenti possono essere personalizzati per adattarsi al tuo stile di gioco preferito.
I piloti sono veloci e agili, grazie alla tecnologia jump jet che ti consente di correre con grazia sui muri e saltare attraverso gli edifici senza interrompere il tuo passo. Mentre i piloti hanno armi, inclusi vari gusti di lanciarazzi per danneggiare i Titani, velocità e mobilità sono le loro maggiori risorse. I giocatori creativi che hanno memorizzato i layout delle mappe potranno rimbalzare rapidamente da un oscuro punto di imboscata all'altro, o scappa velocemente da scambi sfavorevoli. I piloti sono estremamente squishy, anche se. Bastano pochi proiettili per abbatterne uno, ma è difficile uccidere ciò che non riesci a catturare.
I Titani giocano in modo diverso rispetto ai Piloti. Vengono forniti con una potenza di fuoco e un'armatura sufficienti per erogare e sostenere quantità significative di danni, making them a force to be reckoned with in the right hands. Tuttavia, Titans are huge targets. A booster pack offers bursts of mobility to escape sticky situations, but it’s easy to become overwhelmed once you attract enemy gunfire from every direction.
Titans and Pilots complement each other well. Titans can one-shot or trample Pilots who are caught in the open, but a Pilot can use their agility to avoid gunfire and even leap onto Titans to cripple them single-handedly. When they coordinate, anche se, that’s when things get interesting. Titans can provide cover and heavy artillery, but Pilots will need to protect their mechanical brethren and ensure nearby ambush spots are cleared of enemies. Like any good multiplayer-based shooter, teamwork is paramount to success.
Fluid, Frenetic, divertimento
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