Ecco tutto ciò che devi sapere su come Dusk Falls Multiplayer e funzionalità di accessibilità

Look at how multiplayer, the Companion App, and Accessibility work in Come il crepuscolo cade, lancio luglio 19.

The launch of Come il crepuscolo cade is just around the corner! Today we’re sharing some of our most frequently asked questions about this upcoming original interactive drama from developer Interior/Night. With unique features like cross-platform multiplayer, a companion app, and a Broadcast mode, you can learn all about what to expect when the game launches July 19 per Xbox Series X|e cinque nuove sfide di atterraggio, Gioco Passo PC, Finestre, and Steam, e su Xbox One e telefoni cellulari supportati, tablets, e PC con specifiche inferiori tramite Xbox Cloud Gaming.

Come il crepuscolo cade - Multiplayer Guide - Immagine dello schermo


Is Come il crepuscolo cade local co-op, o in linea?

Both! The game supports both local co-op and online, or even a mix of both. In local co-op, fino 8 players can play together on the same screen by connecting additional input devices. For online multiplayer, you can send your friends invites from the game screen. When using online multiplayer, each person must own a copy of the game and have an active Xbox Live subscription.

How do I host a multiplayer game?

Select “Play with Friends,” create a new profile, and the lobby set-up screen will pop up. Select “Go Online,” “Invite Friends,” and then choose who from your friends list you would like to invite to play. Press “B” or “Go Back” to return to the lobby set-up screen. At this point you can also add any local users via other input devices (e.g. the Companion App, Controllori). When all Online Friends have selected “Ready,” the host can start the session.

Does Come il crepuscolo cade have online matchmaking?

Non, it does not. You’re able to invite your friends to play or connect additional input devices to have friends join locally.

How does co-op work in this narrative crime drama?

Throughout the story, you’ll be tasked with making decisions that impact the outcome of the storyline. All players share the same point of view but will individually vote for what decision they’d like to see play out. All votes are weighted equally, and the choice with the most votes wins, so you may not always get your way! There are limited override options and ties will result in a randomly picked outcome.

How do overrides work?

The host can set how many overrides are available, and throughout the game each player will have a number of overrides to use. If a player overrides a decision, the decision they voted for is automatically chosen. Tuttavia, if another player feels just as strongly that a different way should be picked, they can override as well! Use your overrides carefully and be ready to argue your case when you override your friends.

Is multiplayer cross platform?

Sì. Come il crepuscolo cade e cinque nuove sfide di atterraggio|e cinque nuove sfide di atterraggio, Gioco Passo PC, Finestre, and Steam, e su Xbox One e telefoni cellulari supportati, tablets, e PC con specifiche inferiori tramite Xbox Cloud Gaming. You must own a copy of the game to play, but you can join your friends no matter what platform they are on.

Can I play the game by myself?

Absolutely! While we think the game is fun when played with friends, it’s fun to play solo as well. In a solo playthrough you’ll have total control over the decisions made and where the story goes.

Come il crepuscolo cade - Multiplayer Guide - Immagine dello schermo


I’m a streamer, are there unique features that would benefit me?

Sì, there is a Broadcast Mode in the game that allows you to integrate your Twitch chat into your playthrough. Users in your chat will be able to vote for options in game, allowing them to take part in where the story goes.

How does Broadcast Mode work?

When launching the game, select “Broadcast Mode”. Enter the name of your Twitch Channel (which only works for channels associated with existing Twitch accounts). You should receive a message that you’ve successfully connected to your channel.

Once the game begins, viewers will have the ability to vote on outcomes via the stream’s chat window. Each choice is shown with a special hashtag/number (#3, #4, eccetera). Players enter in the number of their choice in the Twitch chat panel. Your viewer’s screen names appear briefly on the screen as votes are added. The choice with the most votes wins.

Note that as the streamer, you still have the power to override your viewers. You’re also required to handle all quick time events (QTEs).

Can I invite friends to play co-op while in Broadcast Mode?

Non, the game does not support both modes simultaneously. Tuttavia, your friends can join in on the voting by typing their choices in your chat.

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The As Dusk Falls Companion App

What is it?

Gli Come il crepuscolo cade Companion App is a free app available on iOS or Android devices. It allows you to control actions within the game, including quick time events and voting. It does not broadcast the game to your phone, it acts as an input device – like a controller or mouse and keyboard. Your Android phone’s operating system must be running version 4.4 (Kitkat). iOS phones will need OS 12.0 o meglio.

How do I use the Companion App?

Download and install the Come il crepuscolo cade Companion App. Ensure that your device that is running the app is connected to the same Wi-Fi that the device running your game is connected to.

When starting a game on your PC or console, choose or create a saved game profile. Next, choose “Change Input Device.” This leads to a screen with a short code. Enter the code in the Come il crepuscolo cade controller app and you can now control your game cursor!

Does everyone that join local co-op using their phone need a copy of Come il crepuscolo cade?

Non. A copy of the game is needed to start a lobby, but up to 7 additional phones can connect for local co-op without needing additional copies of the game.


Are there accessibility features in Come il crepuscolo cade?

Absolutely. We believe as many people as possible should be able to play and enjoy Come il crepuscolo cade. Our Accessibility features can be found under the Settings menu on the game’s main screen or the game’s pause menu. Our accessibility features include:

Text To Speech Settings

  • Menu Narration – Enables menu UI to be read aloud by the screen reader.
  • Gameplay Narration – Enables in-game UI and important gameplay elements to be read aloud by the screen reader.
  • Text to Speech – Enables chat text from other players to be read aloud.
  • Speech to Text – Transcribes audio chat between players.

On-Screen UI

  • Flatten Choice UI – Enabling this will remove the slightly angled appearance of interactive choices, making them appear flat on screen.
  • Lower Case Only – Sets UI text for hotspots and action choices to being lower case only.
  • Choice Color – Sets the text and background colors of on-screen choices and hotspot UI. The default is white text on a black background.
  • Options Background – Allows the player to set the background transparency of in-game UI. The default is partially transparent.

Gameplay Adaptations

  • Hotspot Display Type – Allows the player to have all the hotspots to stay on screen after being discovered, or to have them all appear from the beginning of the scene.
  • Quick Action Types – Allows the player to remove mashing interactions, or to set all interactions to require a single button tap.
  • Extended QTE Timer – All Quick Time Events (QTE) have 10 second timer to finish. For the Mash, it will have a longer amount of time to do the same amount of mash.
  • Choice Timer – Allows the player to disable timers in all choice scenes and Timed Hotspots.
  • Extended Override Timer – Extends the override timer from 10 secondi a 20 secondi.
  • Broadcast Mode Timer – Allows the player to set the choice timer length when in Broadcast Mode.
Come il crepuscolo cade - Multiplayer Guide - Immagine dello schermo

Additional Settings

Within the game’s broader set of options players can adjust other elements to improve their experience.

  • Subtitles – Allows the player to enable subtitles during the game.
  • Closed Captions – Allows the player to enable text descriptions for in-game sound effects and non-spoken audio.
  • Subtitles Size – Adjusts the size of on-screen subtitles.
  • Subtitle Background – Allows the player to set the transparency of subtitle background. The default is partially transparent.
  • Subtitle Color – Allows the player to set the text color and background color of subtitles simultaneously. The default is white text on a black background.
  • Cursor Sensitivity – Allows the player to change the sensitivity of the current profile’s cursor.
  • Cursor Size – Allows the player to change the size of the cursor.
  • Controller Remapping – Allows the player to remap gameplay inputs on their controller to suit their preferences. Input customization is organized by action (per esempio. Select/Basic Quick Action, Cancel Selection, Oltrepassare, Quick Action)
  • Topo & Keyboard Remapping – Allows the player to remap gameplay inputs on their mouse and keyboard to suit their preferences. Input customization is organized by action (per esempio. Select/Basic Quick Action, Cancel Selection, Oltrepassare, Quick Action)

Have more questions about Come il crepuscolo cade? Check out for more frequently asked questions and stay tuned to @asduskfallsgame su Twitter.

Come il crepuscolo cade is available July 19 per Xbox Series X|e cinque nuove sfide di atterraggio, Gioco Passo PC, Finestre, and Steam, e su Xbox One e telefoni cellulari supportati, tablets, e PC con specifiche inferiori tramite Xbox Cloud Gaming.

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Come il crepuscolo cade

Xbox Game Studios




As Dusk Falls è un dramma interattivo originale di INTERIOR/NIGHT che esplora le vite intrecciate di due famiglie nel corso di trent'anni. A partire da 1998 con una rapina andata storta nella piccola città dell'Arizona, le scelte che fai hanno un forte impatto sulla vita dei personaggi in questa storia di tradimento senza compromessi, sacrificio e resilienza.

Rivivi la storia ancora e ancora per scoprire risultati molto diversi per i personaggi ed esplorare le sfumature nascoste dietro ogni decisione. I tuoi personaggi sopravviveranno indenni?? Che tipo di persone alla fine diventeranno?

Guida le vite e le relazioni di più personaggi in una storia lunga decenni raccontata attraverso due libri intensi.

Crime drama senza compromessi. La storia cinematografica prende vita dall'esibizione di attori resi digitalmente in uno splendido stile artistico, creando un'esperienza unica che suona come un romanzo grafico in movimento.

Sacrificio vs sopravvivenza. Riesci a liberarti dall'influenza tossica della tua famiglia? Cosa sacrificherai per coloro che ami? Riesci a superare il tuo passato? Le tue decisioni daranno forma al destino dei personaggi.

Destini intrecciati. Segui due famiglie nella loro lotta per sopravvivere, proteggere, e sopportare le sfide radicate negli errori delle generazioni precedenti.

Esperienza Insieme. Rivela informazioni su te stesso e sulle persone con cui giochi mentre scopri i valori alla base delle tue decisioni nel gioco cooperativo con fino a 8 giocatori alla volta, localmente o online (o un mix). L'app associata As Dusk Falls semplifica le scelte nel gioco, usa il tuo telefono o tablet per votare con o contro i tuoi amici. (Il multiplayer online per console richiede Xbox Game Pass Ultimate o Xbox Live Gold, abbonamenti venduti separatamente).