#HowDoYouHunt top 10 entries and winner revealed!

Probabilmente the coolest contest we’ve ever run in this company (at least I think so!), the #HowDoYouHunt contest finally has a winner!

First of all, I want to thank everyone for participating (including Gaijinhunter, who was not even eligible to win!). And I must say it was incredibly hard to narrow the lenghty list of awesome entries down to just a Top 10; never mind selecting a winner. This was harder than any G Rank I’ve ever had to do!

I even recruited help from people from various departments here, making sure they had worked on and played at least 2 Monster Hunter i titoli. They also complained it was extremely hard to pick winner!

All that is to say: great job, tutti!

Now here’s the Top 10 entries and our winner:

YankeeBankee Rinforzato, Hunting Horn

Just a very heart-warming entry that hits a lot of the right notes =)

Keihkono Teostra’s Emblem, Sword and Shield

Sì, I want my hunts to look like their were directed by Michael Bay!

scoutstiel DoombladeSlave”, Long Sword

Can definitely relate to the desire of taking MH weapons to dinner parties.

ShaolinHammer Imperial Gunhammer, Hammer

He knows how to use a hammer in real life!!!

ChocoDotori Permanence, Charge Blade

I can’t stop thinking of the Felyne literally eating sand after falling from the Sandskiff

itsavgbltpta Lunatic Rose, Sword and Shield

Ah yes! Love the lyrics and use of the Felyne theme!

Shawn_1995 Epitaph Eternal, grande Sword

So much energy!!! And yes, anyone who updgrades an Ancient Shard weapon all the way deserves a Patience badge of sorts.

So that’s 7 entries so far, Senza un ordine particolare, and I hope you can agree with me that any of these could have taken the top prize… tuttavia, these next few entries netted out with the most votes from our internal panel of judges; so here’s our Top 3, including the winner:


YukiLilyyy Daora’s Entom, Insect Glaive

Guildmarm playing a ukelele caught us all by surprise and sure captured my heart.


Hakuramen Akantor Bow, Bow

Sounds just like the game is bleeding into real life!


VengefulTorture Dual DragonsAngst”, Dual Blades

IT’S JUST MATH!” Spiacente, can’t argue with math. =]

Well played, Signore; you win a life-size replica of the Dual DragonsAngst”!

Ancora, thanks to everyone who participated and made this an awesome contest! I definitely had a lot of fun reviewing each individual entry and I’ve actually read a lot of entrants say they had fun making their video entries. Quindi lì: the contest is over, but if you feel like making your own video telling everyone #HowDoYouHunt, why not?

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