Kyle from HardOCP on the Future of the Graphics Card Industry and Hardware Reviewers

Kyle Bennett, head of HardOCP, and part of this Industry for several decades has posted an interesting editoriale Ieri. While I don’t agree with everything, he’s making great points that are worth considering. The editorial begins with how and why GPU vendors will abolish the MSRP, because it’s bringing nothing but bad press to them. No MSRP would also mean additional flexibility in pricing things—just set the price dynamically—no doubt that also helps to maximize profits.

I am sure both AMD and NVIDIA have marketing managers sitting around watching reviewer after reviewer slamming its company forfake MSRPand are now thinking about a solution to that.

In the second part of the editorial Kyle continues that hardware reviewers will soon be obsolete and that influencers and YouTube entertainers will become the primary source of exposure for hardware companies.

Did you ever care what chip was used inside your VCR?

Obviously check out the editorial only if you’re interested in reading things and considering things as opposed to influencers making up your mind, and telling you what to buy and what not, with a splash of drama and edutainment on top.