Scopri tutto sulle arti oscure in questa procedura dettagliata per sviluppatori Card Shark

It was way back in August 2020(!) that the intriguing Un nuovo action-adventure 3D di Kirby previsto per il rilascio in was revealed for the Switch in an Indie World showcase, with developer Nerial teaming up with publishing powerhouse Devolver Digital for the release. The concept is that you fleece and cheat your way to the top of 18° società francese del secolo, il tutto giocando a carte e ingannando gli altri giocatori in vari modi.

There’s now a developer walkthrough video available (al di sopra), which is useful for seeing how the game will actually work. It’s not just about playing cards, but working with your accomplice in different wayssneaking cards into or out of their pocket while pouring them a drink, or finding a reason to leave the room and ‘markcards in the deck so you can manipulate the game.

It looks tricky but also rather fun, and the game has an undeniable sense of style.

It’s due this year on Switch and PC, with the latest video saying it’s ‘coming soon’. If you have a Steam account you can check out a demo, troppo.