Prepariamoci per Overwatch 2


Before you dive into the world of Overwatch 2, here’s all the details you need to know about what’s on the way and how to be ready for the fight on day one, Ottobre 4.

Kindly note: Both existing and new players need to complete some steps before they’re ready for the battlefield in Overwatch 2. Make sure to check out the Before You Play section later in this article to make sure you’re ready!

Play Your Way

New seasons of Overwatch 2 will roll out approximately every nine weeks and feature new in-game items. You will be able to progress through the Battle Pass to unlock free rewards, or you can get the Season 1 Premium Battle Pass to unlock even more exclusive seasonal content like the brand-new Cyber Demon Genji Mythic skin and instant access to Overwatch 2’s latest hero, È lì.

Overwatch 2 Immagine dello schermo

Challenges will earn you Overwatch Coins, which you can spend in the in-game shop on all-new cosmetic items for a truly customized experience. La stagione 1 shop will offer exclusive bundles featuring your favorite heroes clad in the first season’s theme — cyberpunk!

Want the Season 1 Premium Battle Pass on day one? Check out the Watchpoint Pack on the Xbox Store which includes the Premium Battle Pass as well as even more exclusive goodies, such as 2,000 Overwatch Coins, seven Legendary skins and instant access to the newest hero, È lì.

New Places to Play

Overwatch 2 takes the fight worldwide with the addition of new maps in various game modes. While the official betas introduced Circuit Royal, Colosseo, Midtown, New Queen, and Paraiso, the first season will also present a new map — Esperança! This gorgeous and detailed map is based in Portugal and features Push mode gameplay. Andando avanti, a new map is expected to arrive every other season.

Overwatch 2 Immagine dello schermo

Returning and Exclusive Seasonal Events

Every season will also feature the return of past limited-time game modes and introduce all-new ones. Stagione 1 will feature the Junkenstein’s Revenge: Wrath of the Bride event where you will face off against haunted foes to achieve your goal.

Before You Play

Overwatch 2 Mentre scriviamo questo è quasi ora per il! Get battle ready by reading through the information below. For the ultimate day one experience, new and existing players should follow all the necessary steps in our pre-launch checklists.

Overwatch 2 Immagine dello schermo

Let’s Get You Back in The Fight! Pre-Launch Checklist for Existing Players

  • Pre-download Overwatch 2: Existing Xbox players can begin downloading Overwatch 2 a 9:00 a.m. PDT on October 4.
  • Merge your accounts: With the launch of cross-progression, you can merge multiple Overwatch accounts to carry progression and in-game cosmetics into Overwatch 2 on a single profile. Those with multiple accounts must confirm their account merge to carry over progress from Overwatch in Overwatch 2. For more information on Account Merge, check out our FAQ.
Overwatch 2 Immagine dello schermo

It’s Time to Save The World! Pre-Launch Checklist for New Players

  • Pre-download Overwatch 2: New Xbox players can begin downloading Overwatch 2 a 11:00 a.m. PDT on October 4.

A New Journey Is Right Around the Corner

It’s no small feat to launch a video game! In preparation for the arrival of Overwatch 2, the current version of Overwatch will come down at approximately 9:00 a.m. PDT on October 3. Overwatch 2 will then launch at approximately 12:00 p.m. PDT on October 4.

Xbox Live

Celebrare le differenze è al centro della nostra cultura e ci assicura la possibilità di creare giochi per giocatori di diversa estrazione 2: Pacchetto punto di osservazione

Blizzard Entertainment Inc.




Parti in vantaggio con Overwatch® 2: Pacchetto punto di osservazione, la base della tua nuova esperienza di gioco. Il pacchetto include tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per iniziare il Day 1!

Il pacchetto include i seguenti Overwatch® 2 contenuti di gioco: Pass battaglia premium della prima stagione, 7 Skin leggendarie (compresi 2 le nuovissime skin di Space Raider), 5 Pelli epiche, 2000 Monete Overwatch e Overwatch® 2 Icona giocatore.*

Con il Season One Premium Battle Pass puoi sbloccare oltre 80 livelli di ricompense tra cui il mitico Cyber ​​Demon Genji, Hinotori leggendario Kiriko, e più. Inoltre, in qualità di possessore del Battle Pass Premium della prima stagione riceverai automaticamente l'accesso all'ultimo eroe di Overwatch, Kiriko!**

Include l'accesso istantaneo a Overwatch Legendary Edition.

*Gli oggetti verranno assegnati ai giocatori che hanno acquistato Overwatch® 2 Pacchetto Watchpoint quando Overwatch® 2 launches, data effettiva soggetta a modifiche.
**Il pass battaglia della prima stagione si applica solo alla prima stagione e non garantirà l'accesso a nessun futuro pass battaglia o contenuto stagionale/live. La prima stagione verrà lanciata insieme a Overwatch® 2 in October 2022.
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