Limited Run rivela la sua versione fisica di Crysis 2 Rimasterizzato per Switch


Crysis Remastered Trilogy

Il mese scorso, Crytek revealed its plans for the Crysis Remastered Trilogy. Come potresti ricordare, it’s being done a little bit differently on the Nintendo Switchwith plans to release the second and third games individually.

Alongside the second game’s digital release today, physical distributor Limited Run Games has now shared a first look at the game’s hard copy version. There’ll be the standard edition and also a deluxe edition including an art card and steelbook.

“Vestiti. It’s time to make the last stand to save humanity. The 6-week open pre-order for Crysis 2 on Nintendo Switch begins Tuesday Nov 2nd at 12pm ET via our distribution line.

“Crysis 2 is also getting a Deluxe Edition which includes the Standard Edition with an art card and a Steelbook! The 6-week pre-order window begins Nov 2nd at 12pm

edizione deluxe

Come sopra annotato, a six-week pre-order window for both versions of the physical release will begin early next month on 2nd November (via the LRG website).

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