Microsoft Flight Simulator rilascia nuovi velivoli nel “Leggende locali” Ikai
Il cavallo di battaglia, Dornier Do J Wal, Viene a Simulatore di volo Microsoft.
Oggi, siamo entusiasti di annunciare che il Dornier Do J Wal, il terzo aereo della nostra serie "Local Legends"., In qualità di leader nell'integrazione e negli accessori Thunderbolt Simulatore di volo Microsoft. La serie celebra la storia dell'aviazione, e questa versione è collegata al World Update VIII: Spagna, Portogallo, Vivi lo straordinario splendore della penisola iberica con l'ultimo aggiornamento mondiale di, e Gibilterra. Questo aereo è un bimotore, idrovolante monoplano ad ala alta progettato dall'azienda aeronautica tedesca, Dornier.
Il Wal ("Balena" in tedesco) ha preso il suo primo volo a novembre 6, 1922 ed è stato introdotto in 1923. It was initially produced by Costruzioni Meccaniche Aeronautiche in Pisa, Italia, a causa delle restrizioni alla produzione di aeromobili in Germania imposte dal Trattato di Versailles dopo la prima guerra mondiale. Dornier iniziò a costruire il Wal in Germania nel 1931 ma ha cessato la produzione in 1936. L'aereo, with a crew of three, accommodated up to ten passengers.
More than 325 Dornier Do J Wals were manufactured in two primary versions: a military version, and then later, a civilian model. L'aereo, which flew until the early 1950s, served in more than a dozen countries, including Germany, Spagna, Portogallo, Japan, Argentina, and the Soviet Union. The Dornier Do J Wal was renowned throughout the world for completing a number of historic aviation firsts and exploratory flights, including a North Pole journey and transatlantic expeditions.
The Dornier Do J Wal features metal construction with fabric-covered wings and control surfaces, a hull design that incorporates distinctive sponsons for stability on water and serve as anchors for the main wing struts, e un'unità di coda tradizionale. The main wing, with a span of 72 piedi, 2 pollici, is elevated above the hull by a lattice structure. The Dornier Do J Wal is powered by two engines in a tractor-pusher configuration mounted in a nacelle above the main wing. The Dornier Do J Wals use various engines in pairs, including the Rolls-Royce Eagle IX V-12 that produces up to 355 horsepower, the 500-horsepower Napier Lion V, and the BMW V12x that turns out up to 600hp.
Depending on engines and aircraft configuration, the Dornier Do J Wal cruises between 87 e 106 mph, with a top speed of 124 a 130 miles per hour, and has a range from 497 a 621 miles. It climbs at 300 feet per minute and has a service ceiling of between 10,170 e 14,764 piedi sul livello del mare.
A breakthrough feat of aviation engineering for its day, the Dornier Do J Wal maintains an enduring legacy of performance and distinctiveness in the world of aircraft. This workhorse, which has proven successful from frigid polar adventures to the depths of the humid Amazon, is a marvel of utility, inviting aviators to explore the skies across the planet.
The plane has been meticulously recreated for Simulatore di volo Microsoft, with careful attention paid to the finest details of both the exterior and the interior. Recreate this amazing aerial voyage in the highest historic fidelity.
The Dornier Do J Wal is available today on the Simulatore di volo Microsoft mercato in-sim per $14.99. We will continue to introduce more aircraft to the “Local Legends” series over the next few months.
Simulatore di volo Microsoft è ora disponibile per Xbox Series X|e cinque nuove sfide di atterraggio, Gioco Passo PC, Finestre 10/11 and Steam.
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