Monster Hunter mondo: Missioni di eventi su ghiaccio aggiornate con ricompense migliori
Hunters of the Fifth Fleet, while the timeline for Alatreon’s arrival in Monster Hunter mondo: Iceborne is still uncertain, we’ve tweaked the reward rates for two of our Event Quests to help you get ready for when that time comes.
In this Event Quest, you’ll be challenged with hunting a Seething Bazelgeuse in the Arena. Once the hunt starts, there’s nowhere to run… but if you come out victorious, you’ll take home a pouch full of Heavy Armor Spheres. With this update, you’ll be walking away with even more armor spheres than before.
A Tempered Zinogre is roaming the Ancient Forest, and those skilled
enough to take it down will be rewarded with precious Feystones to further deck
out their armor sets with powerful skills. This update increases the drop rates
per Sealed Feystones, which are more
likely to turn into some of the top-tier decorations in the game.
That is all for today’s update. Just like most other Event
Quests for MH: Mondo& Iceborne,
these do not have a set end date at the moment. Master Rank Kulve Taroth is also back in the Event Quest board and
will be there for 2 settimane.
Stay safe, and Happy Hunting!