mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate brings Rain, il millesimo, and Rambo

Compagni combattenti, at long last, fan-favorite characters Mileena and Rain are joining the fight! Along with the classic action hero, Rambo, they all join the roster as part of Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimo, the definitive, all-in-one Mortal Kombat 11 experience. Our designers and artists have polished every detail of each character’s presentation. The gameplay is awesome, the Fatalities are gruesome and the looks are killer.

Rain now wields a katar, which he uses to slash and stab his opponents. Rain can also use his magic to open a rift to a previously unknown watery realm. Ecco, all of his classic moves are reimagined. His water powers are also expressed in new and unique ways.

Along with her traditional sais, Mileena now also has razor-sharp claws. They come courtesy of the gloves that she wears in to kombat. The gloves and her other gear look stellar. My favorite look is that of Kahnum Mileena, where she gets her own Shao Kahn style helmet.

Playing as Rambo is like time-traveling back with Kronika to 1982. Our character artists have perfectly captured Rambo’s look from “First Blood.” They, along with our design and cinematics teams, drew great inspiration from that film, as well the subsequent sequels. Naturalmente, having Sylvester Stallone voice one of his most iconic characters is an absolute thrill. We worked hard to make sure that every line of dialogue was true to the Rambo that fans know and love.

In addition to these three amazing new characters that make up Kombat Pack 2, mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate is stuffed with all of the great content that has been released thus far. It includes every mode, every character and every feature from the main game, Pacchetto Combattimento 1 and the Aftermath Expansion. Those who purchase Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate will also receive both of the cinematic story campaigns – the base game’s original story and the story expansion released with Aftermath, continuing the epic Mortal Kombat 11 saga.

Additionally, mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate is PlayStation 5 Aggiornamento disponibile, delivering 4K dynamic resolution, enhanced visuals, improved loading times and cross-generation console compatibility for select modes. And current Mortal Kombat 11 e Combattimento mortale 11 Ultimate owners and new buyers on PlayStation 4 can access a free upgrade to the PS5 version of their game at no extra cost, available in conjunction with the Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate launch. C'è anche il supporto Krossplay, consentendo ai giocatori di PS5 e PS4 di combattere contro altri giocatori su piattaforme opposte in modalità selezionate.

mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate sarà disponibile in tutto il mondo a partire dal 1 novembre. 17 sul PlayStation Store via web e console, così come altri rivenditori. Per i nuovi giocatori, mortal Kombat 11 I preordini Ultimate saranno disponibili a partire da ottobre 15, fornendo accesso immediato a Mortal Kombat 11, Pacchetto Combattimento 1 e il Mortal Kombat 11: Dopo l'espansione al momento dell'acquisto.

Se possiedi già Mortal Kombat 11, puoi aggiornare la tua esperienza preordinando il Kombat Pack 2 beginning October 15, o acquistando il Kombat Pack 1 o il Mortal Kombat 11: Espansione successiva. E non dimenticare, mortal Kombat 11 Pacchetto Ultimate e Kombat 2 i preordini riceveranno al lancio il pacchetto skin Time Warriors con tre nuove varianti di skin del personaggio, incluso "Dark Web" Noob Saibot, "HCF" (Fermati e prendi fuoco) Liu Kang e "Blood Moon" Scarlet.

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