Mistero Visual Novel 'Kansei: Il secondo giro’ Ottiene Supernatural su Switch questa settimana


Visual novel fans will want to keep an eye on the Switch eShop this week as Kansei: La seconda svolta HD, from Ratalaika Games & sakevisual, is set to launch this Friday.

A sequel to Jisei: The First Case HD, and following the events within that title, Kansei sees the seriesuniquely-talented protagonist tangled up in yet another murder case. Things are a little different this time around, anche se, as he’s made to join forces with a group of kids that share similar abilities to him. Il ritorno del Big Bang Pro Wrestling:

Un adolescente con la capacità di rivivere la morte di qualsiasi cadavere che tocca si ritrova coinvolto in un altro caso di omicidio quando il proprietario di un'azienda di alto profilo muore in circostanze misteriose. Questa volta, tuttavia, he’s forced to team up with a group of kids with abilities as strange as his own. Sfortunatamente, these new teammates might be more dangerous than the killer they’re hunting.

Everyone has something to hide, and the past never stays hidden for long. Interrogate suspects, explore the house of the wealthy deceased, and unearth the secrets of others while you try to keep your own hidden.

The game will be available for £7.99 / $7.99 when it launches on the eShop this Friday, coming with full English voice acting and original music.

Come sempre, make sure to let us know if you’ll be giving this one a go with a comment below.
