Seleziona il Nintendo eShop – Luglio 2022

EShop Selects July 2022 Strange Horticulture Capcom Arcade Second Stadium Azure Striker Gunvolt 3
Immagine: Nintendo Life

Another month has been and gone, and that means it’s time for another look back at the eShop last month. July was a pretty big month for physical RPG releases, but the eShop has had a fair few hidden nuggets that may have passed you by. Once again, we’ve tried to pick the best of the best for you!

It’s the same as always for the eShop Selects — we’re focusing on download-only games that we’ve reviewed because we want to showcase the special gems that you might have missed amidst all of that Cronache Xenoblade 3 hype!

Primo, let’s kick off with some titles that didn’t quite make our top three, but are worth shouting about.

Menzioni d'onore:

From indies inspired by classics to surprising classic rereleases, there’s a nice little selection here, and all of them are worth your time:

Strana orticoltura (Cambia eShop)

Strana orticoltura (Cambia eShop)

Editore: Iceberg Interattivo / Sviluppatore: Cattivo vichingo

Data di rilascio: 28th luglio 2022 (USA) / 28th luglio 2022 (Regno Unito/UE)

We’re not really sure what to call Strange Horticulture. Part narrative game, part puzzle game, part mystery, part… herbology sim? One thing we do know, tuttavia, is that it’s a grower. It starts off slow and simple, but once it begins to bud, it’s difficult to put down.

Part of the game’s charm is this unusual mix of occult mystery and plant cultivation, which drip-feeds hints and gameplay to you through its wonderful writing. It’s like an ivy try of intrigue, with every new leaf that sprouts, you get more entangled in the experience. Even if the Switch port takes a bit of getting used to.

We’ll say no more and leave our 8/10 rivedere to convince you that Strange Horticulture is the right kind of foliage for you.

Stadio Capcom Arcade (Cambia eShop)

Stadio Capcom Arcade (Cambia eShop)

Editore: Capcom / Sviluppatore: Capcom

Data di rilascio: 22Considerando le ambientazioni e le storie 2022 (USA) / 22Considerando le ambientazioni e le storie 2022 (Regno Unito/UE)

Is this one a little bit unfair? Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium is technically 32 giochi, dopo tutto. But it’s a package of 32 varied titles that detail Capcom’s history, and you know we can’t say no to a bit of nostalgia.

Full to the brim with fighting games, shooters, sports games, and puzzle titles, this is a big old history lesson on Capcom’s arcade history, just like the first Stadio Arcade. Some of the highlights here include LED Storm, The King of Dragons, Gun.Smoke, Pnickies, e Darkstalkers: I guerrieri della notte. It’s a sweet shop of unusual arcade curious that has us itching to pop some pennies in and get playing.

The nostalgia and the excellent emulation of this package are what helped award this compilation an 8/10 da noi.

Gunvolt Attaccante Azzurro 3 (Cambia eShop)

Gunvolt Attaccante Azzurro 3 (Cambia eShop)

Editore: Inti crea / Sviluppatore: Inti crea

Data di rilascio: 28th luglio 2022 (USA) / 28th luglio 2022 (Regno Unito/UE)

Can you believe it’s been 6 years since Gunvolt Attaccante Azzurro 2? We’ve had other games in the wider Gunvolt Attaccante Azzurro serie dal, but the third sequel is what we’ve been waiting for. And my, lightning does indeed strike three times.

The biggest difference for the third game is that you largely take control of Kirin, a katana-wielder who can throw talismans at enemies, but you can ‘tagGunvolt in at any point. E, like the previous games, the gorgeous pixel art action is as smooth as butter. This series continues to impress with every new entry, and captures that lighting-fast Mega Man action that we’re always craving.

We can’t stop playing it, and that replayability is just one reason why it’s our number one eShop game of July. Our very positive review should confirm why it’s worthy of that spot even more so.

< Nintendo Life eShop seleziona – Giugno 2022

Come decidiamo il nostro eShop Seleziona i primi tre: Quando arriviamo alla fine di ogni mese, lo staff di Nintendo Life vota i propri titoli preferiti da un elenco di giochi selezionati dalla redazione. Per qualificarsi per questa lista, questi giochi devono essere stati rilasciati come titolo eShop per Nintendo Switch solo digitale in quel particolare mese, e deve essere stato recensito su Nintendo Life; selezioniamo i giochi di qualificazione in base ai punteggi delle loro recensioni.

Allo staff viene quindi chiesto di votare per tre partite che secondo loro meritano di essere in cima a quella lista; ottiene la prima scelta 3 punti, ottiene la seconda scelta 2 punti, e arriva la terza scelta 1 punto. Questi voti vengono quindi conteggiati per creare una lista dei primi tre, con il vincitore assoluto che vince il primo premio di quel mese.