Seleziona il Nintendo eShop – Novembre 2022
È tecnicamente the last eShop Selects of the year. Yep, the next time we do this, sarà 2023, even if we’ll be looking back at December’s games.
But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves yet! We’ve got November to look back on — a month dominated by Pokémon, but an early Indie World presentation meant we got a few surprise releases on the eShop. Have any of them made a dent? Let’s find out in Nintendo Life’s picks for the best games on the Switch eShop games of last month!
Menzioni d'onore
Three little gems — two of the cosy variety, and one which seems apt given we’re in the middle of World Cup season. Check out these potential stunners that you may have missed…
Editore: XD. Network / Sviluppatore: Giochi di Freebird
Kao Gan is a developer we sapere will make us cry. He’s done it with To The Moon, he’s also done it with Una storia di uccelli, and he’s done it again with Trovare il paradiso. This sequel has infine come out on the Switch, and even if there are a few niggles with this port, it doesn’t overshadow the beautiful storytelling and fantastic characters.
Originally released in 2017, there are still few games that match the emotion, thoughtfulness, and simplicity of this ‘series’. We gave Finding Paradise a well-deserved 8/10 — now all we need to do is wait for Imposter Factory to come to the Switch…
Editore: Ponte 13 / Sviluppatore: A Grumpy Fox
An outstanding homage to 3D platformers of the N64 and PSOne era, Lunistico was a huge surprise this month. The adventures of Hana the tanuki are addicting in the same way our favourite collectathons are, with bright colours and low-poly visuals hitting us straight in our nostalgic hearts. But it takes influence from platformers and games all throughout the ages, da Super Mario Odyssey a Super Mario 64.
La parte migliore? This won’t even cost you $5.00. Abbiamo dato al gioco un 9/10 assegnandolo a — how often can you grab a 9/10 for less than a fiver?
Editore: Giochi della porta della cantina / Sviluppatore: Giochi della porta della cantina
We’ve been waiting months for Eredità canaglia 2 to make its way onto Switch — and the wait was absolutely worth it. Given how outstanding the original Eredità canaglia was, we shouldn’t be surprised that this came out on top as our favourite eShop game, but what was surprising was that it was shadowdropped on the day of the Indie World presentation.
But we can’t complain — this sequel does esattamente what a great sequel should do. Building on the already addictive foundations of the original, Eredità canaglia 2 throws more of everything at you. The legacy system is back and better than ever. The writing is still side-splittingly funny. And there are new jobs and gameplay styles that will have you coming back for more over and over again.
The first game was one of the breakout indie roguelikes, and this sequel is back to prove it’s still one of the very best. With a 9/10 recensione da parte nostra, we wholeheartedly agree.
< Nintendo Life eShop seleziona – Ottobre 2022
Come decidiamo il nostro eShop Seleziona i primi tre: Quando arriviamo alla fine di ogni mese, lo staff di Nintendo Life vota i propri titoli preferiti da un elenco di giochi selezionati dalla redazione. Per qualificarsi per questa lista, questi giochi devono essere stati rilasciati come titolo eShop per Nintendo Switch solo digitale in quel particolare mese, e deve essere stato recensito su Nintendo Life; selezioniamo i giochi di qualificazione in base ai punteggi delle loro recensioni.
Allo staff viene quindi chiesto di votare per tre partite che secondo loro meritano di essere in cima a quella lista; ottiene la prima scelta 3 punti, ottiene la seconda scelta 2 punti, e arriva la terza scelta 1 punto. Questi voti vengono quindi conteggiati per creare una lista dei primi tre, con il vincitore assoluto che vince il primo premio di quel mese.