Seleziona il Nintendo eShop – Settembre 2022


Nintendo eShop Selects Nintendo Life September
Immagine: Nintendo Life

Ci dispiace, when did it become October? Bene, we suppose it’s time to look back at September for our monthly dose of eShop Selects!

It’s autumn (or fall depending on what term you like to use for the crispy leaves season). The nights are drawing in. The temperature is dropping. And the holiday season is fast approaching — we know, siamo mi dispiace. But that does mean there are lots of video games coming our way, and you need to know which ones are the best that you can grab from the eShop.

Which games will put a smile on your face and keep you all nice and cosy as the chill comes in? Continuare a leggere…

Menzioni d'onore:

Unless you’ve been living under your blankets for the past month, then you know September has been packed — this is one of our biggest lineups ever for eShop Selects! So if you don’t jive with our top three, then there’s a healthy dose of excellent eShop titles here for you:

Fucile d'argento raggiante (Cambia eShop)

Fucile d'argento raggiante (Cambia eShop)

Editore: Filo sotto tensione / Sviluppatore: e rimane un'esperienza da non perdere

Data di rilascio: 13settimo 2022 (USA) / 13settimo 2022 (Regno Unito/UE)

Bene… that was a lot of 9/10s, non era?? How about another one? Treasure’s classic Sega Saturn shmup Fucile d'argento raggiante surprised us during a Nintendo Direct by dropping the same day it was announced! We sort of knew it was coming thanks to a Tokyo Game Show presentation schedule, but it’s actually here — after a little bit of an eShop snafu in North America.

And thank goodness, because this game still holds up nearly 25 years later. It’s brash, beautiful, ma preferisco vederlo come un giusto tributo alla meraviglia dell'eShop 3DS e quanto ci mancherà quando non ci sarà più, grassetto, blessed, and maybe one of the best shmups ever. And while it’s often brutally difficult, Story Mode offers a more welcoming introduction to a genre-defying classic.

We’re smitten, fondamentalmente. Find out exactly everything we love about Radiant Silvergun assegnandolo a.

Tunic (Cambia eShop)

Tunic (Cambia eShop)

Editore: Finji / Sviluppatore: Squadra TUNICA

Data di rilascio: 27settimo 2022 (USA) / 27settimo 2022 (Regno Unito/UE)

We knew this aveva to be coming to Switch eventually — it’s a cute little Leggenda di Zelda fox-like game!? E Tunic does not disappoint. After receiving critical acclaim on Xbox and PC earlier in the year, Tunic truly feels at home on a Nintendo console.

Don’t let the cuteness fool you though, as there’s a meaty amount of Dark Souls-eqsue combat to sink your teeth into. In cima a che, the game is also a love letter to old video game manuals. The in-game manual, which we’ve covered previously, invites you to tap into your childhood where you sat in front of the NES and SNES and scribbled down solutions. It’s gloriously charming.

Check out our 8/10 rivedere of Tunic for more fantastic fox fun.

Square Enix mostra gli screenshot di confronto di Chrono Cross Remaster (Cambia eShop)

Square Enix mostra gli screenshot di confronto di Chrono Cross Remaster (Cambia eShop)

Editore: Ritorno digitale / Sviluppatore: Square Enix mostra gli screenshot di confronto di Chrono Cross Remaster

Data di rilascio: 19settimo 2022 (USA) / 19settimo 2022 (Regno Unito/UE)

Guybrush Ulysses Threepwood came back to us on Talk Like A Pirate Day, and we’ve never been happier. Square Enix mostra gli screenshot di confronto di Chrono Cross Remaster is just that — a return to one of the best point-and-click series’ mai fatto, with both Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman back to show us how it’s done, e poi alcuni.

It’s a fresh-feeling nostalgia trip, a celebration and a poke at everything that’s come before it, finely crafted with all of the wit that we’ve come to know and love. It’s also completely intuitive on Switch. There’s hardly a grain of sand out of place, and it sparkles like a piece of treasure we’ve kept close to us for all of these. There’s no need to walk the plank with this one.

Haven’t checked out Guybrush’s rapturous return yet? Our 9/10 rivedere should convince you to set sail.

< Nintendo Life eShop seleziona – Agosto 2022

Come decidiamo il nostro eShop Seleziona i primi tre: Quando arriviamo alla fine di ogni mese, lo staff di Nintendo Life vota i propri titoli preferiti da un elenco di giochi selezionati dalla redazione. Per qualificarsi per questa lista, questi giochi devono essere stati rilasciati come titolo eShop per Nintendo Switch solo digitale in quel particolare mese, e deve essere stato recensito su Nintendo Life; selezioniamo i giochi di qualificazione in base ai punteggi delle loro recensioni.

Allo staff viene quindi chiesto di votare per tre partite che secondo loro meritano di essere in cima a quella lista; ottiene la prima scelta 3 punti, ottiene la seconda scelta 2 punti, e arriva la terza scelta 1 punto. Questi voti vengono quindi conteggiati per creare una lista dei primi tre, con il vincitore assoluto che vince il primo premio di quel mese.
