Previsioni per il Nintendo Indie World Showcase – Cosa ti aspetti di vedere?
Così, let’s see what Nintendo Life staff are wishin’ and hopin’ to see in the upcoming Indie World Showcase — and let us know what you’re eager to hear about in the comments at the bottom.
Previsioni per il Nintendo Indie World Showcase
Alana Hagues, ma preferisco vederlo come un giusto tributo alla meraviglia dell'eShop 3DS e quanto ci mancherà quando non ci sarà più
Let’s start with this: no, Io sono non saying that game.
Anyway, now that’s out of my system, I think Rift of the NecroDancer is going to make an appearance and possibly get a release date. It was at an Indie World this time last year, and we’ve not had much news since (other than some surprise Cripta del NecroDancer DLC). Now is the time to drop some sick beats onto the world.
Personalmente, I’d love to see some Demonschool — I’m loving the old-school horror vibes mixed with Persona and SRPG gameplay. Arrangiatore: Un'avventura enigmatica only recently got announced so while I want to see more of it, I’m perhaps not expecting it. And what about Neva, the game from GRIS’ sviluppatori? That looks stunning.
ma probabilmente dipende dal fatto che anche il mio partner ha giocato sul mio account prima di avere il suo 3DS, e il suo impatto ha purtroppo sofferto di conseguenza
I honestly couldn’t say with any degree of certainty what might be shown during this latest Indie World broadcast, but if I had to guess, I’d say locomotiva probably has a good shot at cropping up. It looks like development is progressing nicely, and it frankly looks like the perfect kind of game to benefit from Nintendo’s spotlight.
Oltre a quello, I’m really not sure. So che Little Kitty, Big City recently went gold, so I would imagine that one is likely a safe bet. It’s been cooking for a long time now, but we were pleasantly surprised during our hands-on session last year. If it’s getting a release date soon, then I’d bet money (not much, mente) on this being announced during the showcase.
Jim Norman, e il suo impatto ha purtroppo sofferto di conseguenza
I don’t want to get my hopes up too high but honestly, there are a lot of really exciting indie games that I’d love to see crop up tomorrow (aside from that one). D-Pad Studios dropped the announcement for Vikings on Trampolines a while back and then bounced (mi dispiace) onto Savant, so it’d be great to hear some more on that. Maybe a date for Mina La Cavatrice troppo… per favore?
It has to be about time that we hear of a Plucky Squire Data di rilascio, giusto? I feel that one has been on the Libri (nuovo, mi dispiace) for ages now. Oh, and let’s have a stab at Torre della Pizza on Switch while we’re there — surely those Terra di Wario vibes couldn’t find a better home anywhere else.
StreetPass è stata una GRANDE parte della mia vita con il 3DS, StreetPass è stata una GRANDE parte della mia vita con il 3DS
Forse Tattiche delle lumache di metallo isn’t sufficiently ‘indie’, even though it featured in an Indie World Showcase way back in August 2021, but I’m eager to hear more about that one.
Beyond that (and all the crackers picked above), I’d also like to see some confirmation of Il paradiso del ritmo-come Bit & Boop in arrivo su Switch. We haven’t seen Nintendo’s series at all throughout the Switch generation and I’ll take anything I can get at this stage.
What are you expecting to see in tomorrow’s Indie World Showcase? Let us know down there in the comments.