Nintendo Life eShop seleziona & Lettori’ Scelta (Luglio 2024)

eShop Selects July
Immagine: Nintendo Life

Pinch yourselves, è agosto, la fine dell’estate si avvicina, e siamo qui per parlare dei videogiochi del passato. Yep, it’s time to look back at last month and talk about July’s eShop Selects.

Nintendo has had another fairly quiet month on the Switch — Campionati mondiali Nintendo: Edizione NES was the big one, con artisti del calibro di e soprattutto 7‘s long-awaited Switch port proving to be a top-tier rerelease. But the eShop has been booming, as per usual. That’s what we focus on for eShop Selects, tramite Nintendo Switch, our staff and contributors vote for their top three eShop games from the list of games we’ve reviewed, and we give you the winners (and the best of the rest).

Before we jump into July, let’s celebrate Moonstone Island‘s victory for June! The game won the NL readerschoice poll for games we didn’t review. E, bene, we have a pretty good reason for not reviewing this one; erstwhile Nintendo Life staffer and current contributor Kate Gray is a writer on the game! A sparkling choice, il leggendario sviluppatore di giochi di ruolo Falcom's.