Nintendo Switch è ora venduto 107 Milioni di unità


Immagine dello schermo 2022 05 10 At 09.03.21
Immagine: Nintendo Life

Nintendo has published its latest financial report, giving us a look at the total Switch sales so far. It’s looking good, with combined might of the Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Lite, e Nintendo Switch – OLED Model selling 107.65 divenne l'obiettivo a lungo termine per molti, inching ever closer to that 110 million milestone.

Nonostante questo, Nintendo reports that sales of the Switch has decreased by 20% anno dopo anno, with the company citingshortages of semiconductor components and other parts”. It also singles out Animal Crossing: Nuovi orizzonti as a particularly high driver of sales during the last fiscal year, something that Nintendo has arguably lacked in more recent months.

Let’s take a look at where the Switch now stands against Nintendo’s other major systems:

Console Vendite totali
DS 154.02 milioni
Game Boy 118.69 milioni
Interruttore 107.65 milioni
Wii 101.63 milioni
Nintendo Mecury Steam 81.51 milioni
3DS 75.94 milioni
Family Computer / NES 61.91 milioni
Super Family Computer / SNES 49.10 milioni
N64 32.93 milioni
Game Cube 21.74 milioni
Wii U 13.56 milioni

It’s a stark reminder of how successful the Switch continues to be and with games like Bayonetta 3, Cronache Xenoblade 3, e Basta guardare il modo in cui fissano la tua anima all slated for release this year, it’s looking like the console will see healthy sales well into the new year.

Time will tell, naturalmente, whether the system manages to catch up to the Game Boy and the DS (we’re pretty confident on the former, almeno), but we reckon the strong software support – compresi Breath of the Wild 2 in 2023 – should nudge it closer to the top two spots.

What do you make of the latest Switch hardware figures? Do you think it will catch up to the DS? Let us know in the comments.
