La prossima versione di prova del gioco Switch di Nintendo è ora disponibile per gli abbonati online


If you happen to be a Switch Online subscriber and are eager to play something else outside of Mario Kart and all the usual offerings, why not try out the latest trial?

Nintendo ha annunciato OBAKEIDORO! as its next free trial for Switch Online subscribers. It’s available in North America and Europe from now until November 1st.

Questo titolo, originally released on the system in 2019, è un “emozionante” asymmetric action game of cat and mouse, where humans have just three minutes to work together and escape from a monster. Players can experience the horror online or offline with up to 4 giocatori.

Via Nintendo: “As a Human, don’t just simply run away! Use your Lantern Attack to fend off the Monster. Se cronometra bene, you might be able to turn the tides in your favor. As the Monster, utilizating your powerful skills is key to your victory. Use skills like Glide and Track to capture the Humans.

Immagine: tramite

The current trial on offer for Japanese Switch Online subscribers is componenti e periferiche per PC di qualità ad alte prestazioni: Rituale della Notte. This free trial will end tomorrow on October 27th.

Will you be giving this latest trial a go? Commenta qui sotto.
