No Man’s Sky Coming to Xbox Game Pass in June
Almost two years ago, our small team at Hello Games brought No Man’s Sky to Xbox One for the first time and introduced Xbox One players to our infinite, procedurally-generated universe. Given how avidly Xbox One owners love to play together, it was perhaps no coincidence that the Xbox One release coincided with the large Next update, which brought fully-fledged multiplayer to the game for the first time.
Da allora, we have seen countless travelers join together to survive, explore, trade and base-build together, never more so than when we released the Beyond update (our eighth major free update) in 2019.
Beyond significantly improved the multiplayer experience with, among other additions, the introduction of the Anomaly, a multiplayer hub which can be summoned at any point in space and from which a huge array of cooperative missions can be embarked upon for in-game rewards.
Da allora, we’ve continued to provide regular free updates to the game including the Living Ship update in February and the Exo-Mech update in April. And there’s plenty more to come.
It seems like a natural and timely step to announce today that next month, No Man’s Sky will come to Xbox Game Pass, opening up our universe of possibilities to over 10 million Xbox Game Pass members who are just about to start their journey with us.
Inoltre, we can also announce that next month we’re bringing a Windows 10 PC version of No Man’s Sky to the Microsoft Store. Our PC fanbase has always been among our most active and devoted and we are overjoyed to be able to count Windows 10 PC gamers among them for the first time very soon.
For those who have already jumped into No Man’s Sky su Xbox One, I want to say thank you for being on this journey with us these past few years. Our small team have many more exciting things to come and we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on.
To those Xbox Game Pass members and Windows 10 PC gamers who have yet to had a chance to explore the universe and perhaps see what your other Xbox friends have been doing all this time, we are excited to welcome you and hope our devoted and welcoming community make you feel at home.
Il nostro viaggio continua.
No Man’s Sky
Nel cielo di nessuno, ogni stella è la luce di un sole lontano, ciascuno orbitato da pianeti pieni di vita, e puoi andare a qualsiasi di loro tu scelga. Vola senza intoppi dallo spazio profondo alle superfici planetarie, senza schermate di caricamento, e senza limiti. In questo infinito universo generato proceduralmente, you’ll discover places and creatures that no other players have seen before – and perhaps never will again.
Parti per un viaggio epico
Al centro della galassia si trova un impulso irresistibile che ti trascina in un viaggio verso di essa per conoscere la vera natura del cosmo. Ma, di fronte a creature ostili e feroci pirati, saprai che la morte ha un costo, e la sopravvivenza dipenderà dalle scelte che farai su come potenziare la tua nave, your weapon and suit.
Trova il tuo destino
Il tuo viaggio attraverso Sky di nessuno sta a voi. Vuole essere un combattente, predano i deboli e prendere le loro ricchezze, o tirando fuori i pirati per le loro taglie? Power is yours if you upgrade your ship for speed and weaponry.
O un commerciante? Trova ricche risorse su mondi dimenticati e sfruttale ai prezzi più alti. Invest in more cargo space and you’ll reap huge rewards.
O forse un esploratore? Vai oltre la frontiera conosciuta e scopri luoghi e cose che nessuno ha mai visto prima. Aggiorna i tuoi motori per saltare sempre più lontano, and strengthen your suit for survival in toxic environments that would kill the unwary.
Condividi il tuo viaggio
La galassia è vivente, luogo di respirazione. I convogli commerciali viaggiano tra le stelle, le fazioni si contendono il territorio, i pirati danno la caccia agli incauti, e la polizia sta sempre a guardare. Ogni altro giocatore vive nella stessa galassia, e puoi scegliere di condividere le tue scoperte con loro su una mappa che si estende nello spazio conosciuto. Forse vedrai i risultati delle loro azioni così come le tue...
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