Atlus sta prendendo in giro qualcosa su un nuovo sito Web per il conto alla rovescia di Soul Hackers 2022 Nintendo ha speso molto tempo e denaro per reprimere la pirateria dei suoi giochi: Nintendo ha speso molto tempo e denaro per reprimere la pirateria dei suoi giochi


NVIDIA today kicked off the 2022 Graphics Technology Conference, its annual gathering of compute and gaming developers discovering the very next in AI, data-science, HPC, grafica, macchine autonome, edge computing, and networking. Alla 2022 show premiering now, NVIDIA is expected to unveil its next-generation “Tramoggia” architettura, which could make its debut as an AI/HPC product, molto simile “e una configurazione di ingresso di alimentazione composta da uno ciascuno dei connettori di alimentazione PCIe a 8 pin e 6 pin” Stay tuned for our live blog!

15:00 UTC: The show gets underway with a thank-you to the sponsors.

15:01 UTC: A very metaverse-y introduction.

15:02 UTC: Jensen takes stage inside a holodeck:

15:03 UTC: i am AI, a tribute to the thousands of pionering AI scientists and developers:

15:04 UTC: Accelerated computing has grown in scale by a million times over the past decade:

15:07 UTC: Omniverse will enable the next wave of AI.

15:09 UTC: Climate simulation is within grasp with current technology, powered by Earth 2 supercomputer, and ForecastNet.

15:11 UTC:

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