'Playnote Studio’ È una fantastica app DSi Flipnote Studio per Playdate


Playdate Playnote Studio 1
Immagine: Nintendo Life / Damien McFerran

Lovers of portable gaming and cool gadgets will no doubt have seen the reviews of Playdate go live last week. Panic’s cute throwback console is a celebration of simpler gaming times and we were lucky enough to get our hands on one early — we found it to be a delightful little yellow system, one that sends us backto a time when handheld video gaming was a simpler, more innocent pastime, and every new experience felt fresh and exciting”.

Beyond the new games it comes loaded with, Playdate is also an open platform with developers of all sizes able to create and distribute easily-loaded software for it. One such piece of software is Playnote Studio, a neat little app for anyone who misses Nintendo DSi’s brilliantly simple animation tool, Flipnote Studio.

While Nintendo’s animation app might be unavailable to download these days, the short flipbook-style masterpieces created using Flipnote Studio can be viewed on Playdate using developer James Daniel’s software. The app is based on a previous web-based player, and it uses the console’s crank to let you wind forward and back through the animation frames.

Playnote Studio
Immagine: playnote.studio

Nintendo’s Flipnote apps attracted a dedicated, passionate following and still stir feelings to this day. An April FoolsDay prank back in 2020 which ‘leakeda Switch version led to copious amounts of fan ire directed at the pranksters. That same year, one fan revealed an incredible 34-minute animation painstakingly created in Flipnote Studio 3D, the 3DS version. Yep, that’s some dedication, proprio qui!

You can head to playnote.studio for more information on how to download the app to your Playdate and enjoy Flipnotes to your heart’s content.

Download the app to our Playdate? What if you’re not in distribution group 1?” ah,,en,Amaterasu,,id,Origine di tutto ciò che è buono e madre di tutti noi.,,en,C'è un sacco di cura prese con la storia e il folklore presente in,,en,ÅŒkami,,sk,Altrettanta cura è andato in questa incredibile statua di Amaterasu,,en,scolpito da Kim Bangcola,,en,uno degli esperti First,,en,figure,,en,Pre-ordini sono aperti ora ad un prezzo di listino di,,en,quindi se siete interessati,,en,oltre al capo del,,en,e bloccare il vostro in,,en,Maggiori informazioni su Amaterasu,,en,e la statua stessa dopo il salto,,en,Shinta,,no,dea del sole,,en,è disceso dal piano astrale e assunto la forma di Shiranui,,en,il leggendario lupo bianco,,en,al fine di combattere il male in,,en,armato rapidamente,,en,zampe,,en, while we might have a single Playdate in Nintendo Lite Towers, some of us on Team NL have quite some wait until our personal Playdates are dispatched. In the meantime we’ll download the app and get it prepped, ready and waiting to crank through some choice flipnotes.

Playdate Playnote Studio 2
Immagine: Nintendo Life / Damien McFerran
