PlayStation Boss Jim Ryan Says “More Acquisitions” Are Coming


Sony Buying Bungie
Image: Bungie

As you’ve probably heard by now, Sony is acquiring the Destiny and former Halo studio Bungie for $3.6 billion. This surprise news comes just weeks after Microsoft announced it would acquire Activision Blizzard for close to $70 billion.

What else can we expect in the near future then? Even on the Nintendo front, it might be best to brace yourself for what’s to come – with Sony Interactive Entertainment boss Jim Ryan informing our friends over at to “expect more” in terms of PlayStation acquisitions.

These recent acquisitions haven’t really affected Nintendo so far, but if Sony and Microsoft continue to snap up studios like this – who knows what will be left at this rate. There’s already been a lot of speculation about who could be purchased next, but if it was a significant third-party developer, it could eventually impact Nintendo.

For now, Sony has made it clear that Bungie will continue to operate as a multiplatform company and Bungie itself has said it will continue to independently publish and creatively develop its games. How are you feeling about PlayStation acquiring Bungie? And what do you think about all these acquisitions, in general, lately? Leave a comment down below.
