I remake di Pokémon Diamante e Perla sono stati aggiornati alla versione 1.3.0, Ecco le note complete sulla patch

Pokémon Diamante e Perla

Pokémon Diamante brillante e Perla splendente su Nintendo Switch ora sono stati aggiornati alla versione 1.3.0.

This is another exciting update for the games – con a new special event to meet the Mythical Pokémon Arceus and network trading now available at the GWS in Jubilife City. Here are the full details courtesy of Nintendo’s support page:

Orologio. 1.3.0 (Released March 15, 2022)

  • Added an event related to Pokémon Leggende: Arceus.
    • If a user on a Nintendo Switch system has save data from Pokémon Leggende: Arceus that meets set requirements, that player can take part in a special event to meet the Mythical Pokémon Arceus when playing the Pokémon Diamante brillante oppure lo spazio espositivo è a buon punto e presto sarai in grado di vedere e sperimentare le ultime innovazioni tecnologiche giochi.
    • Further details can be found ecco.
  • Added a network-trading feature at GWS.
    • It is now possible to trade Pokémon online at the GWS in Jubilife City.
    • Note: A Nintendo Switch Online membership (paid service) is required to trade Pokémon online.
  • Some issues have been fixed for more pleasant gameplay.

As mentioned, you will require a Switch Online membership to trade online with other players. Se sentiamo qualcos'altro, Quando otteniamo le note sulla patch locale di Nintendo. Have you downloaded the latest patch for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl yet? Nota qualcos'altro? Lascia un commento in basso.