Poll: What’s The Best Simpsons Game?


The Simpsons Game Cover
Image: EA

With 34 seasons, one cinematic release and 28 video games under its belt, you could say that The Simpsons has grown to become kinda popular.

This week marks the 15th anniversary of The Simpsons Game – a title that many of us look back on fondly and, frankly, feel a little sick that 15 years have passed since its release. Such a momentous occasion has got us thinking about all of the other Simpsons titles which have come before it, some of them quality and some of them not so much.

Until our prayers are answered and we finally get a Switch port of The Simpsons Arcade Game – seriously Konami, there is only one thing that a person wants in this world and that is to play a Simpsons beat ’em up from the comfort of their own bed – we’re asking you lovely lot to rate every (The) Simpsons game you’ve played on Nintendo platforms from the list below.

Now, this list is long and there are certainly a few less-than-classic options to pick from, but what are we if not thorough? There is also the option to rank titles via their different console releases – anyone who was lucky enough to have played The Simpsons Game on both Wii and DS will surely know how different of an experience it was.

Similar to our other reader-ranked polls, registered Nintendo Life users can click on the stars below and rate the games out of 10. The resulting ranking is created from those fluid NL User Ratings and is therefore subject to change, even after publication. If you’ve previously rated these games in our database, thank you! If not, you can add your score to the game at any time, present or future, and it will still count and potentially influence the order.

Rate each Simpsons game you’ve played:

Click the stars below to rate out of 10 each Simpsons game you’ve played:

Thanks for rating your favourites and give us a shout if you think there’s anything missing. We’ll be revealing the results very soon, but remember: much like our platform Top 50s, the list will be fluid, so even if you miss out on voting before the results are revealed, you can still influence the ranking after publication.
